Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kweezy Returns!!!

I've been taking a break from blogging about all the problems of the world for a little bit in order to pursue another creative outlet of mine. I used to make these tapes of really crappy home-made music. The last was "released" in 1997. I produced these little creations under the name of Kweezy.

My recording technology consisted of a tape-recorder & a stereo. I'd record something on the tape & then I might play that back on the stereo really loud & play along with that & record that too. I could get two dubs on one tape. Any more than that and the background noise & hiss would make everything else barely audible. Just one or two dubs sounded bad enough.

So now that I have access to a computer & free downloadable recording programs on the web, I have decided to revisit this old past-time of mine and try my hand at recording digitally.

I really have no idea what I am doing but I am definitely having a lot of fun with it. My whole life it seems, I have heard music/songs in my head. Fleeting moments of inspiration would come out of nowhere at the least expected times and then suddenly disappear. If the moment isn't captured somehow then the potential masterpiece could be lost forever. I am sure all artsy types of people experience this & know what I mean. If you're a writer you can jot it down or type it out. Hopefully you can keep up with your thoughts. A painter can make a sketch or doodle. A musician/song writer has to record it unless they happen to know how to actually read & write in musical notation. I don't & most of your favorite music was probably not written on a piece of paper (except the lyrics).

I used to console myself by saying, "well if I forgot it then it must not have been worth remembering." Their may be some validity to this but certainly not always. Often I will hear a whole song with rhythm changes and different harmonizing melodies. Its hard to just remember all of it and how they fit together.

So now I finally have a set up in my basement that will allow me to record these moments when they arrive (if I'm at home). At least that's the theory. Technology still kicks my ass quite a bit but I am slowly figuring it out. You can check out my stuff here.