Thursday, September 30, 2010

Indian Point

All I want to say is that we are very fortunate that on September 11, 2001 we were attacked by whomever we were attacked by and NOT fanatical, terrorists hell-bent on the destruction of the United States.

If fanatics wanting to destroy the U.S. had attacked, I am sure they would have chosen a much choicer target. Only 24 miles north (upwind) of Manhattan lies the Indian Point Nuclear Reactor facility located in Buchanan, New York just south of Peekskill. If the perpetrators would have chosen Indian Point as the target for two 767s, rather than the World Trade Center, more than 500,000 could have easily died and New York City would have to be permanently abandoned. The 100 mile radius around the plant would be rendered useless for thousands of years.

I know this is no consolation to the families of those that did die on that day or as a result of the events that day. It is my purpose to help bring the real perpetrators of the crime out into the light of day so that hopefully they can be brought to justice.