Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I haven't watched MLB since 2001 when the over-payed, players of a kid's game threatened to go on strike not long after 9/11/01 because they didn't wanna get tested for roids. I see no difference between that & what is happening between the players and owners of the NFL. How they can squabble over whatever the hell they are squabbling about while millions of their fans lose their jobs, get tossed to the streets and struggle to feed their families in this depresssed economy, I just don't understand. It might as well be a giant loogey in the face. Well  FU2 NFL! I don't give a rats ass what yall are bickering about or who is more at fault or which side is the richest. The players union is one union I do not support. What would happen if the owners decided they won't lock out the players but they are going to change all the rules regarding season length and so on that the players are oppossed to? The players would at least threaten strike if not actually do so. Spoiled babies. Anybody else ever have a boss make a change in your schedule or come up with some new rule? You can bitch all you want & point out all the obvious flaws and discrepencies until you are blue in the face. The bottom-line is you will either suck it up & follow like a good worker bee or you can raise hell & eventually get shit-canned or you can simply walk off the job. Striking sure isn't an option for the common working stiff. Who gets to strike anymore besides government employees? Strikes haven't achieved the wanted results in a long time. The labor movement has been crushed. Hooray! Whoops, judging by the looks of things maybe the unions weren't the problem after all, huh? Either way, the players are not laborers. As much as they complain about the dangers of their job you'd think they were being forced to do it by circumstance and not gettting millions of dollars to do so. I'm venting about the players here because going on about our class system and my hatred of the aristocratic ownership class is for another occasion. They are our true enemy, not the players. I don't expect decency out of the plutocrats. However, the players (many from modest up-bringing) should know better than to get into this public squabble with the ownership especially right now. I must admit as a life long fan it will be tough giving up the games on Sunday & Monday & occasional Thursday & Saturday. But, there are always leaves that need raking that time of the year and kids that I can actually go play kids games with. I also must admit that giving it up will be made a bit easier by being a Browns fan. The last 15 or so years have been nothing but misery. The stadium now seems like some sort of fascist prison camp with signs imploring you to rat out your fellow fans for such offenses as cursing so they can thow you in their gulag in the bottom of the stadium. The new GM decided to shorten the hours allowed in the muni-lots for tailgating. Wouldn't want people having too much fun I guess. The game itself has now become almost unbearable to watch. If it isn't a flag for tackling too hard getting thrown and interrupting the flow of the game it's a beer commercial every other play. No more wasting my time & money. No more unrecpricated love. So long bitches...........Go Zips!