Thursday, May 6, 2010


Here are a few of my comments I posted in response to other posters regarding this story: Russian special forces storm oil tanker, free ship

Ha Ha Ha! Stavation. Hilarious! Wow. The ignorance and immaturity of the people posting here is truly astounding and I already thought most of the public was just a couple IQ points above taking the short bus to school.

Reading the ignorant & racist garbage posted here, I realize this won't be the most popular post but, I think the Pirates AARRRRRRR AAAAAAAWesome!!!!! The courage it must take of these poor, starving, oppressed people to challenge the ruling powers of the world is amazing. If all of you Einstein’s really want to get rid of them we should look at the root causes. How would you feel if a foreign power came to your country, told you you'd be rich if you let them take your oil and then they take your oil and make billions of dollars and give you nothing while your family starves in a rat-infested cardboard box? Who are the pirates again? The international corporations that oppress and exploit these people are the real pirates.

Al Qaeda is actually on your side folks! Don't you remember the story last week about them rooting the pirates out of their refuges on land? You see Al Qaeda actually works for the CIA. Don't you remember about how they gave us an excuse to go set up our trans-Afghani pipeline & launch Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL)? I dare anyone to find a story about pirates seizing a ship full of oil bound for the U.S. They know better. Quit being so ignorant people and starting paying attention.

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