Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's just not fair!

It's just not fair! We should not let those Socialists in DC raise the taxes on those poor individuals making $200,000.00 a year or more or those poor couples making only $250,000 dollars a year or more back to what their rate was before Geoge W. Bush came to power. Don't you remember how they suffered under Slick Willy? If we let Obama have his way he will lock in the current tax rate that George W. Bush set for everyone except those poor people/couples making $200/250k or more each year. It just isn't fair. How will they be able to pay for their children's nannys and private schools? How will they survive? I understand in these trying times we all must make sacrifices but, these people have earned the right to be above all that haven't they? I think once you inherit or earn a certain amount of money, you have proven yourself enough and shouldn't have to engage in the sacrifices like the rest of the masses. God has obviously smiled upon them for a reason and we should respect that.

Plus if the taxes on the wealthiest 2% are raised from 35% as they are now to 39.6% as Obama wants to do the government would be stealing $700 billion dollars from them that they have been using to create jobs. Don't you remember how all those jobs were created after Bush cut their tax rates?, I'll find a source for that later. On the other hand if our government keeps handing them back that $700 billion of their hard-earned money they can keep creating jobs for poor folk like they have been. Again, I'll back up this claim with a source later, no time to find one right now. I'm sure though we all remember how well the trickle down thing worked during the Reagan & Bush Sr. years. You see the more we let the richest people keep more of their hard-earned & fully deserved money, the more of that money they use to create jobs for regular working Americans. That's why we have so many jobs staying here in America when it would be much cheaper to employ people in India or Bangledesh or Guatemala or Vietnam, etc... Also they are very philanthropic people and like to give their money away to poor people. They just don't want the government to take the credit and do it for them. This is completely understandable, it is their money. Am I the only one that gets this? Geez!

As a matter of fact, I think it would be even better if we just had a flat tax rate for everyone. It is so unfair that just because someone has more money that they should have to pay more in taxes. Fair is fair. It is a black & white issue like all issues. Their is no grey or in between. I mean think about it: why should a single guy making $200,000/yr have to pay nearly 40% (as Obama wants to do) of his money to the government while a guy making only $8,000/yr gets away with only paying 10%? Why in the heck should the first guy only get to take home $120,000 while the the other guy gets away with taking home $7,200? As a matter a fact the guy making $8000/yr will probably not have to pay anything at all after accounting for exemptions. It's ridiculous and just not fair! If we had a flat tax of say, 20% everything would be fair. The guy making $200k keeps $160,000 while the guy making $8k keeps $6,400. That's fair!

Better yet! Why don't we just get rid of taxes all together? The government's all screwed up and just wastes our money on lazy people that don't wanna work anyway! Besides, what do we need taxes for when we have the Federal Reserve bank? If the government needs money they can just print some more, right? Of course, those commie, socialist, liberal, terrorists are gonna say, "this will devaluate the dollar" and "it will drive up prices." I say, "so what?" Last time I checked a dollar was worth a dollar and if something costs too much for someone they should just learn to budget better. "Survival of the fittest" as those elitist, academia, evolutionary nuts like to say. I say, "give me liberty or give me death!" If God wanted everyone to be born equal he would have made us all clones, born at the same time, in the same place, to the same parents, with the same bank account, with the same connections and same opportunities!

“There’s class warfare, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” -Warren Buffett

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