Thursday, January 21, 2010

I got my Tin Hat buckled on tight for this one.

Did the U.S. Navy cause the Haitian earthquake?

Yes, my Tin Hat is on way too tight but my tongue is only half in my cheek on this one. One thing I will not argue against is that the earthquake in Haiti was a terrible tragedy. Something just seems fishy about the whole thing though. Some of the poorest people on the planet. Way too easy to exploit. It just seems like the country is an easy target. I don't know for what or why. Did you notice that almost as soon as the earthquake happened, all the "news" agencies started speculating on the inevitable looting. The Looting! THE LOOTING! They were all talking about looting before there were any reports of looting. I still don't think there have been any reports of a large-scale looting problem. I mean, a city has just been shattered & thousands of people are dead and they are worried about looting? Of course we must send the troops in!

"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." -Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 28, 1997, 8:45 AM EDT

Source: The United States Department of Defense, Transcript of DoD News Briefing by Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 28, 1997.
January 12, 2010, The magnitude 7.0 quake -- the most powerful to hit Haiti in a century -- struck shortly before 5 p.m. and was centered about 10 miles (15 kilometers) southwest of Port-au-Prince, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. It could be felt strongly in eastern Cuba, more than 200 miles away, witnesses said. -CNN

Read a brief history of U.S. & European exploitation of Haiti in The Gleaner, The Hate & the Quake, Sir Hillary Beckles, January 24, 2010.

I realize that we do have the technology to create earthquakes through certain types of drilling or maybe even with powerful transmissions of a certain frequency but I don't think that is what happened in Haiti despite whatever Venezuela's president might say. I like him though. He's hilarious. Here's a quote of his taken from his 2006 address to the UN.

CHAVEZ (through translator): "Representatives of the governments of the world, good morning to all of you. First of all, I would like to invite you, very respectfully, to those who have not read this book, to read it. Noam Chomsky, one of the most prestigious American and world intellectuals, Noam Chomsky, and this is one of his most recent books, 'Hegemony or Survival: The Imperialist Strategy of the United States.'" [Holds up book, waves it in front of General Assembly.]

"It's an excellent book to help us understand what has been happening in the world throughout the 20th century, and what's happening now, and the greatest threat looming over our planet. The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our heads. I had considered reading from this book, but, for the sake of time," [flips through the pages, which are numerous] "I will just leave it as a recommendation.
It reads easily, it is a very good book, I'm sure Madame [President] you are familiar with it. It appears in English, in Russian, in Arabic, in German. I think that the first people who should read this book are our brothers and sisters in the United States, because their threat is right in their own house. The devil is right at home. The devil, the devil himself, is right in the house.

"And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here." [crosses himself]

"And it smells of sulfur still today."
Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world.

You can read the rest of his awesome speech here.
Anyway... All I'm saying is that the U.S. may not have caused the Haiti disaster but I can guarantee that U.S. corporations will see this as another great opportunity for exploitation of this poorest of countries that is physically right in our backyard.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tragedy in Haiti & Pat Robertson is the biggest dick in the world.

This is an image from Haiti from before the devestating earthquake on Jan. 12, 2010.

Haiti should be a warning to us all. As we watch the bodies pile up in the streets of Port-au-Prince and troops deploy to bring aid and order we need to reflect on how an earthquake could be so devastating to this country.

Pat Robertson has his opinions. According to him the hand of God is punishing the poor Haitian people for making a deal with the Devil in their fight for freedom from the French in 1804. That's right. According to this mouth-piece for the Lord, the thousands and thousands of people that died in the earthquake, many of whom aren't even Haitian have all died because God is mad at them for refusing to be slaves over 200 years ago. Pat Robertson IS truly evil. Anyone that agrees with him is an ignorant racist bigot. Pat is not ignorant. He knows full well the weight of his words and the power they hold over his flock. I can only pretend to pray that there is a hell for him to eternally burn in.

Please God. Please allow Satan to boil the insides of Pat Robertson in such a manner that his scalding entrails steam and ooze from his every orifice and his flesh is charred like that of those that have burned to death in Haiti in order for him to better empathize with these victims. Please allow him to stay conscious through levels of pain that would normally cause a person to go into shock or lose consciousness.

I joke of course. If the God that Pat pretends to believe in really does exist, I am sure he will know just what to do with him.

I am sure Pat is familiar with the 3rd commandment: "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain." I never understood how he and his ilk managed to stay in business while preaching their so-called, "word of the Lord" out of one side of their mouths while begging for "donations" from the ignorant and desperate out of the other side. If ever there was a violation of the 3rd commandment it is this profiteering from false propheteering.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Way to go Browns! Hope you don't Cribbs!

Now that the momentous Mangini decision is out of the way, Josh Cribbs cleans out his locker.

The back story:

Al Lerner (Brooklyn, NY native, former Marine and chairman of MBNA bank) helps his pal, Art Modell move my beloved Cleveland Browns to Baltimore to become the Ravens. Then in 1998, Al purchased the rights to the team we now also coincidentally call the Cleveland Browns. Al died in 2002, leaving his billions and the new Browns team to his son, Randy. Randy graduated with a Law degree from Columbia University in 1984 and helped sell MBNA to Bank of America in 2006 for $35 billion.

While Randy may be a fine billionaire, businessman and lawyer, he seems to have very little knowledge of this game called football here in the USA. He may however have a bit more knowledge or at least interest in what they call football over in the UK and is also owner and chairman of the Aston Villa Football club. He is also quite a philanthropist and art-lover, making the largest charitable donation ever to London's famed National Portrait Gallery. According to Wikipedia, he is married with 4 kids. That's all I'm saying about that other than he loves wearing ascots to London art museums.

I bring all this up to point out that Randy's interests probably don't really lie in Cleveland or football. Some of his business interests do for sure but I don't really think he could tell you the difference between a punter or a quarterback if you asked him. Good luck with asking him though if you are a Cleveland Browns fan. Randy is the equivalent of an absentee landlord when it comes the Browns. He rarely attends the games, rarely gives interviews and although Forbes has his residence listed in Cleveland it's really just his Dad's old estate. Randy prefers his place on Long Island, NY with his Spielberg and Seinfeld neighbors or over across the pond near his art museum and futball team. To his credit, I think he knows he knows very little about football and has been searching for a face and team leader since he took over ownership.

Let's review:

1946 to 1995- The Browns are the pride of Cleveland with many Championships and competitive teams. My first memories are of Sipe, Rutigliano & the Kardiac Kids. The Dawg pound is born. Kosar & company are great. Although I've never seen them play I take pride in the stories of past glory and greats like Otto Graham & Jim Brown.

1999- from the 49ers, the Browns return with Carmen Policy as CEO/president and Dwight Clark as GM. Chris Palmer (former offensive coordinator of the Jaguars) takes the reigns for the first time as an NFL headcoach. Palmer goes 5-27 in his two years with the Browns. To rub salt in the wound, the Ravens win the Superbowl XXXV at the end of 2000 season.

2001- from the University of Miami, Butch Davis gets his first crack at being an NFL headcoach and takes the team to 7-9. Dwight Clark resigns as GM and the team goes 9-7 with a brief appearance in the playoffs in 2002, only to lose in the first round to Pittsburgh.

Dec. 2002- Al Lerner dies and leaves the team to Randy.

2003- Davis reverts to a 5-11 season and resigns after a 3-8 start in 2004. Policy had already resigned earlier in the year. Offensive Coordinator, Terry Robiskie (Brian's dad) is left holding the bag as interim headcoach.

2005- Randy hires Phil Savage as GM and Romeo Crennel (former defensive coordinator for the Patriots) to take a turn at trying to be an NFL headcoach and goes 6-10. The Browns sign Josh Cribbs out of Kent State as an undrafted free agent, he makes the team, averages 24.5 yards per return, and his total of 1,094 return yards set a franchise record.

2006- The Browns go 4-12. Josh Cribbs signs a 6-year contract extension ($6 million over 6 years) and he breaks his own franchise record for most kickoff yardage in a season.

2007- Miracle of Miracles. DA, K2, J-Lew & Braylon light it up and go 10-6. They still don't make the playoffs because DA chokes in the play-off, clinching Cincy game. Josh Cribbs goes to the ProBowl as the AFC 's kick returner.

2008- Disaster of disasters. Cribbs is told by Savage in training camp that his contract will be renegotiated at the end of the year. Randy reiterates that promise. The Browns go 4-12, go through 4 QBs and finish the season with 6 straight losses, 24 quarters without an offensive touchdown and are completely shutout in the final two games. Crennel & Savage are fired. Cribbs scores a touchdown on a kickoff return for the fourth straight season, scores a rushing TD on Monday Night Football and is named as an emergency back-up QB but gets no new contract.

2009- Randy hires former Brown's ball boy and former headcoach of the Jets (23-25), Eric Mangini to take over and allows him to hand-pick his own GM (George Kokinis). Randy fires George halfway through the season and after a 1-11 start, the team wins the last four games in a row to end up 5-11. Josh Cribbs did not get a new contract as promised nor did he hold out of training camp. He did show up and play his guts out every game. He caught 20 passes for 135 yards and a TD, ran the ball 55 times for 381 yards and a TD, threw the ball 4 times for 18 yards, returned 38 punts for 452 yards and a TD, and returned 39 kicks for 1542 yards and 3 TDs. Cribbs was once again named to the ProBowl and now holds the all-time NFL record for most kick-returns for touchdowns. On a team that only scored 25 touchdowns all season, Cribbs scored 6 of them in four different ways.

2010- Holmgren takes over as president "the guy" in Jan. 2010. Holmgren keeps Mangini and offers Cribbs the same offer they gave him earlier in the year which they knew was unacceptable. Cribbs cleans out his locker and asks for a trade. Way to go new guy.
But back to the point I think I was trying to make. Randy Lerner is clueless and Josh Cribbs deserves more money. I say this as a guy who won't make in my lifetime what Cribbs makes now in a year. I'm just following the capitalist logic of you are what you are worth. Randy is clueless because he comes out in the middle of a horrible losing season and meets with two loud-mouth fans that are threatening to boycott the kick-off of a game. They weren't threatening not to attend or buy tickets or merchandise. They just weren't gonna watch the first few minutes. Well it worked. It definitely got Randy's attention. So much so that he proclaims he will hire a big-name, football-czar to run the show. He had just hired Mangini to do that less than a year before that. He then hires a guy (Holmgren) to be the coach's new boss (or the new coach) before the season is even over and then he disappears from the scene once again. Randy where are you!!!!!!!!!!

As for what Josh Cribbs is worth? I don't know exactly how much money the NFL & Browns get from tv & radio ads during the games but, I do know Josh Cribbs was about the only reason many of us tuned in or showed up at the stadium this last season. So from that perspective, he is worth the entire advertisement sales revenue of the Cleveland Browns. Without him no one would have watched. No one would have known if the games were blacked out or not because no one would have cared. I think he is worth more than an O-lineman that didn't play at all last year and played only 1 game in 2008 but Ryan Tucker is still making 4 times the amount of Cribbs. I think he is worth more than a completely useless wide-receiver that ran over and killed a guy while drinking and driving and didn't play at all last year but, Donte Stallworth still gets paid more from Randy Lerner than Josh Cribbs does. Ryan Pontbriand the long snapper makes 5 times the amount Josh Cribbs does! That's why Randy may be a great businessman and knows how to screw over his best player, the only reason to watch his team in order to save a buck but he does NOT know football or the fans of Cleveland.

If he wants his team to make money by having fans then he might want to make us fans happy by paying the only reason we watch this team what he is worth. Otherwise, Josh Cribbs will be gone and so will a lot of other long-time, paying customers in brown & orange. The team will just not represent something I am able to support anymore. I will no longer be able to support or root for a team that treats it's finest player that way. Cribbs did sign a contract. He has played way above and beyond the parameters that original contract was based upon. He has far exceeded expectations and has taken on many more roles and responsibilities since that signing. He deserves a fair raise that is comparable to other players of his caliber. Instead the Browns are taking advantage of the fact that Cribbs did not have a big-time agent when he signed that first contract. Randy, Holmgren, Mangini, Dawn Aponte, Romeo, Savage all know he is worth far more than what he is getting paid.

Cribbs now wants traded because the Browns will not treat him fairly and prefer to play low-ball with him. He is cleaning out the locker. Randy! Holmgren! Mangini! Pay the man! Because if he walks, I will too. I am sure that many others may as well. How can I cheer for an organization that treats a player like Cribbs, who has never been a detraction or problem, from all accounts is a great teammate, a fine example to our kids, and a public servant to the community of Cleveland like he is only worth $1 million a year? Now that I think about it.... that really doesn't sound too bad. I wonder who we could get in a trade for him?

No, back to original thought.... Get a clue Randy! Pay the Man!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What's your poison?

I know I'm a big whack job but just hear me out for a second. Which do you think the government would prefer of these two choices?

A. Find cures for deseases such as Cancer and help enforce and regulate policies that will help prolong the life-spans of ordinary Americans that have paid into Social Security and Medicare so that they can collect those benefits from the government for a longer period of time after retirement.

B. Not look too hard for those cures and allow all kinds of life-shortening, chemicals and poisons in our food and drugs in order to avoid paying out as much of that Social Security and Medicare.

Do you think the health insurance industry would prefer that we live long, healthy lives or short, healthy lives? I'm just guessing but I would bet that on average, shorter lives are less expensive than longer lives.

I'm speculating again but I'm thinking that most industry probably has little use for people after they move into their twilight years and are no longer the wage earners and big consumers they once were. Once people start collecting checks rather than earning them I would imagine that government and industry would see them as a burden.

So is it so crazy to think that the government is allowing or helping maintain our lifespans at a manageable level by poisoning our air, water, food, and drugs? Remember hurricane Katrina? That told me right then and there how much our government is out to save it's people. You can't seriously think that if those people drowning were in the Hamptons or Silicon Valley they would have recieved the same delayed and shoddy treatment as the lower-income, residents of New Orleans' ninth ward.

I'm trying to count how many poisons I have ingested today or fed to my family:
1. Flouride in the water I drank. check (did you know that if a company accidently dumped this stuff in the water they could technically be arrested but if your city doesn't dump it in the water they could technically be arrested?)
2. Aspartame in my can of diet Coke. check
3. High fructose corn syrup in just about everything we ate. check (Have you ever looked at a school lunch menu?)
4. Sodium nitrate in the bologna sandwich. check
5. I didn't take or feed my kids any medicines today so I know we missed out on a whole bunch of cool chemicals there.
6. Growth hormones and antibiotics in the milk I gave my daughter. check (oh, the guilt...I should be arrested for abuse and could be if I lived in Europe)
7. Cyanide, Ammonia, Carbon Monoxide & over 500 others in the cigar I smoked. check

Dammit! I haven't had my MSG or hydrogenated oils yet. Okay. I'm getting depressed now. I think I'll go smoke another cigar, drive on the icy roads and talk on my cell phone on my way to get a flu vaccine. jk- I would never get a flu vaccine.

Seriously, maybe it's time to go organic, stop eating meat and stop smoking.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What's in the water?

Yes, the clip is hilarious. I remember watching this movie for the first time years ago and thinking that General Ripper was one heck of a crazy nut job. However, now I do have to ask myself if maybe he wasn't on to something. In our society where absolutely nothing is free either we have all been getting free dental health care through our drinking water for years or we are unknowingly paying for this wonderful non-voluntary service to help prevent tooth decay. So I called up my local water treatment plant and talked to a man there about it. He told me that all of the local water in our town is provided by deep wells and that yes they do add fluoride to it along with a few other chemicals such as chlorine. I told him I had never seen any charges for fluoridation on my water bill. He assured me that the costs were probably passed along to me with the water bill. I felt relieved. I did have to ask for the record just what the purpose of the fluoride was and he did tell me it was due to "national recommendations" to prevent tooth decay. What a wonderful service and how thoughtful of our government to look out for us like that. I also asked what chemical manufacturer our town purchased it's fluoride supply from. "SAL chemical."

So I checked out the Sal Chemical website. Man, what a list of products they manufacture down there in the shadows off the mountain-top, mine-blasted, hills of Weirton, WV. I really hope this chemical company isn't just a reseller for by-products of the Taconite and Coal mining industry down there. This is sort of off-the subject but Mountaintop mining and the environmental devastation it causes are a major hazard to the health of the water and the people that live in Appalachia. Did you hear about how a billion gallons of coal slurry got dumped into the tributaries of the Tennessee River (the drinking water source for Chattanooga and other communities downstream in Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky) last Christmas? Probably not. Our media doesn't find corporations or government agencies (in this case the TVA) poisoning our drinking water very newsworthy.

Anyway, I didn't see fluoride on the list though so I had to call them up too. So, I spoke to a lady at SAL Chemical and asked if they produced fluoride for municipalities. She asked who I was and why I wanted to know so I told her I was from where I am from and was new at the job at the treatment plant and needed to reorder. She looked it up in her computer and told me we normally purchase Hydrofluosilicic Acid 23%. I did see this in their product list. Google this stuff. Just the stuff you want to be drinking. Here's the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). I particularly like this part:

EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: DANGER! CORROSIVE. Causes severe burns to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled. Contact with water may generate toxic, irritating and corrosive gases.

WTF!?!? "Fatal if swallowed"? "Contact with water may generate toxic gases"? Good Lord! This is what they are dumping in our water? So all the good people of my town (AND MOST LIKELY YOURS) that consume water every day are drinking this poison? I know that this stuff is diluted down to the point (1 ppm) that you can barely taste it but it is still the same chemical. Over the course of a year how much tap water/flouride do we consume? I'm sure the bottled water is just as bad. I doubt it is much more than tap water sold in bottles.

I'm not gonna get into any global population control conspiracies here. I wouldn't want to sound like a crazy nut job or anything. I'm just saying it's about time we all took a hard look at what chemicals the government is recommending our cities put into our drinking water. Here are some of the known negative side-effects of flouridation at 1ppm. Would we even know if they changed it up once in a while by maybe bumping it up to 2ppm on accident or modified what they dump in there on occasion? Ever wonder why the water tastes different in one town from another? It's all just water right?

The True Coup.

There's tower 7 still standing after 1 & 2 collapsed. Why did it crumble down too? It wasn't hit by a plane. Certainly looks okay there yet, at 5:20 pm on 9/11/01 the building completely collapsed. The official story says that it was hit by debris which caused a fire which eventually caused a column to buckle which in turn caused the whole building to collapse upon itself like a pancake just like towers 1 & 2. Wow! What a coincidence. They sure don't build them like they used to I guess. Watch this. If you think a fire knocked down a 47-story building in less than 7 seconds then you don't believe your own eyes and YOU are out of YOUR mind.

Are you a conspiracy nut? Do you wear an aluminum foil hat to keep the messages from outer-space out of your head? No? Neither do I but it seems many around me think I am crazy for many of the thoughts I have. But they blindly believe the official stories told on the television "news" and believe stories of ghosts and alien abductions. It never crosses their minds that believing in a man rising from the dead and floating into heaven is a little crazier than the idea that the "terrorists" had some help on 9/11 or that the milk being fed to our kids is causing them to hit puberty at a younger age. My daughter's doctor just told me that my 6 year old is developing little breast nubs and I'm the one who is crazy!?!?

I am only hoping to help spread the word on some subjects that are being avoided and/or suppressed by corporate media due to the silent usurpation of power from the people by the giant banks and corporations that now really run the world.


That's why the ideas sound crazy to many people. If FOX news doesn't tell us it happened then I guess it didn't, right? WRONG! The corporations that control the information disseminated to the citizens have a great interest in what we do and don't find out about. Check out this link to see some of the many conflicting connections between big business and major media.

For an example I will use my daughter again. I have had many suspicions about the milk I feed my kids and the growth hormones injected into the cows that produce that milk. Why is it that Europe and Canada have banned the use of engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) in the production of dairy products but the U.S. allows it? My usual answer to a question like this is to "follow the money." A corporation called Monsanto produces among many other chemical products (e.g., artificial sweeteners and pesticides) something called POSILAC®. POSILAC® contains genetically engineered BGH and is injected into dairy cows to increase milk production. The cows produce more milk and at a younger age. This is very beneficial to the dairy farmer selling the milk but it seems the milk may have some nasty side-effects due to the rBGH. If the general public was told on FOX news or in the Sunday paper that the milk they had in their cereal and just fed to their kids could give them cancer or may cause their daughters to develop breasts at six years old the sales of milk (and therefore POSILAC®) would plummet. If a reporter tried to report such a thing (and they did) they would be quickly fired (and they were) if they were unable to be bought off. Watch the story.

This is just one small example of a story that has serious repercussions pertaining to the health of the American people that was suppressed by the corporate controlled media for the benefit of the bottom line and to the detriment of an informed and healthy society. FOX is by no means the only culprit, just one of the worst and most obvious. All major media corporations have a vested interest in keeping the status quo, keeping advertising dollars coming in and therefore keeping quiet on countless stories that might be invaluable to an informed democracy in order to avoid upsetting those advertisers.

The First amendment of our constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Our founding fathers knew the importance of a free press to a democracy. The press has a responsibility to inform the citizens of the truth in order for the citizens to make proper decisions regarding their governance. When the press hides or distorts the facts they are not only cheating and lying to us as individuals but also intentionally manipulating our democracy for their own gain. This is an act of treachery and should be punished as such.

The control of information to the citizens of this country by CEO's and accountants is just one small example of how corporations have taken over our country and most of the world. Another revolution has been going on since the moment the ink dried on our constitution. The CEO's are now winning it. They've been staging a secret coup d'état in board rooms, court rooms and public offices without so much as a passing glance from the people. Our government now hands them billions of our tax dollars at a time without even asking for a reciept or an accounting of it's expenditure. It's time We the People stood up and let ourselves be heard from every corner and let our public officials know that we will hold them accountable. We are watching as they take that special interest money. We are watching as they cave in to or advocate for or benefit from corporate interests. We will be heard and we will affect change by any means allowed under our constitution.

My goal is to be just one more voice in the wilderness. Hopefully another small piece of information will be found here that somehow helps all the dots get connected in order for the ultimate truth to be revealed. If as the infamous Nazi Joseph Goebbels has stated that people eventually believe lies repeated enough then hopefully they will do the same with the truth. I will do my best to find out what I can and put it here or in my blog. There is much to be done. Fortunately, I like researching stories that I wonder about but that never seem to be covered in the main-stream (corporate) media. I will first try to de-bunk my own suspicions and investigate the counter arguments. If that fails I do my best to follow the money. Who stands to gain by not having the devastating and real effects of global warming covered? Why don't we hear about problems with Diebold voting machines? Why don't they tell us about how the Trade Center tower 7 collapsed just as buildings 1 and 2 did even though it was not hit by any airplane? Sometimes it's very hard to follow the money. There is a lot of disinformation out there but the goal is to fry the big fish and skip the red herrings. That is the mission. Help wanted!