Monday, January 4, 2010

The True Coup.

There's tower 7 still standing after 1 & 2 collapsed. Why did it crumble down too? It wasn't hit by a plane. Certainly looks okay there yet, at 5:20 pm on 9/11/01 the building completely collapsed. The official story says that it was hit by debris which caused a fire which eventually caused a column to buckle which in turn caused the whole building to collapse upon itself like a pancake just like towers 1 & 2. Wow! What a coincidence. They sure don't build them like they used to I guess. Watch this. If you think a fire knocked down a 47-story building in less than 7 seconds then you don't believe your own eyes and YOU are out of YOUR mind.

Are you a conspiracy nut? Do you wear an aluminum foil hat to keep the messages from outer-space out of your head? No? Neither do I but it seems many around me think I am crazy for many of the thoughts I have. But they blindly believe the official stories told on the television "news" and believe stories of ghosts and alien abductions. It never crosses their minds that believing in a man rising from the dead and floating into heaven is a little crazier than the idea that the "terrorists" had some help on 9/11 or that the milk being fed to our kids is causing them to hit puberty at a younger age. My daughter's doctor just told me that my 6 year old is developing little breast nubs and I'm the one who is crazy!?!?

I am only hoping to help spread the word on some subjects that are being avoided and/or suppressed by corporate media due to the silent usurpation of power from the people by the giant banks and corporations that now really run the world.


That's why the ideas sound crazy to many people. If FOX news doesn't tell us it happened then I guess it didn't, right? WRONG! The corporations that control the information disseminated to the citizens have a great interest in what we do and don't find out about. Check out this link to see some of the many conflicting connections between big business and major media.

For an example I will use my daughter again. I have had many suspicions about the milk I feed my kids and the growth hormones injected into the cows that produce that milk. Why is it that Europe and Canada have banned the use of engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) in the production of dairy products but the U.S. allows it? My usual answer to a question like this is to "follow the money." A corporation called Monsanto produces among many other chemical products (e.g., artificial sweeteners and pesticides) something called POSILAC®. POSILAC® contains genetically engineered BGH and is injected into dairy cows to increase milk production. The cows produce more milk and at a younger age. This is very beneficial to the dairy farmer selling the milk but it seems the milk may have some nasty side-effects due to the rBGH. If the general public was told on FOX news or in the Sunday paper that the milk they had in their cereal and just fed to their kids could give them cancer or may cause their daughters to develop breasts at six years old the sales of milk (and therefore POSILAC®) would plummet. If a reporter tried to report such a thing (and they did) they would be quickly fired (and they were) if they were unable to be bought off. Watch the story.

This is just one small example of a story that has serious repercussions pertaining to the health of the American people that was suppressed by the corporate controlled media for the benefit of the bottom line and to the detriment of an informed and healthy society. FOX is by no means the only culprit, just one of the worst and most obvious. All major media corporations have a vested interest in keeping the status quo, keeping advertising dollars coming in and therefore keeping quiet on countless stories that might be invaluable to an informed democracy in order to avoid upsetting those advertisers.

The First amendment of our constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Our founding fathers knew the importance of a free press to a democracy. The press has a responsibility to inform the citizens of the truth in order for the citizens to make proper decisions regarding their governance. When the press hides or distorts the facts they are not only cheating and lying to us as individuals but also intentionally manipulating our democracy for their own gain. This is an act of treachery and should be punished as such.

The control of information to the citizens of this country by CEO's and accountants is just one small example of how corporations have taken over our country and most of the world. Another revolution has been going on since the moment the ink dried on our constitution. The CEO's are now winning it. They've been staging a secret coup d'état in board rooms, court rooms and public offices without so much as a passing glance from the people. Our government now hands them billions of our tax dollars at a time without even asking for a reciept or an accounting of it's expenditure. It's time We the People stood up and let ourselves be heard from every corner and let our public officials know that we will hold them accountable. We are watching as they take that special interest money. We are watching as they cave in to or advocate for or benefit from corporate interests. We will be heard and we will affect change by any means allowed under our constitution.

My goal is to be just one more voice in the wilderness. Hopefully another small piece of information will be found here that somehow helps all the dots get connected in order for the ultimate truth to be revealed. If as the infamous Nazi Joseph Goebbels has stated that people eventually believe lies repeated enough then hopefully they will do the same with the truth. I will do my best to find out what I can and put it here or in my blog. There is much to be done. Fortunately, I like researching stories that I wonder about but that never seem to be covered in the main-stream (corporate) media. I will first try to de-bunk my own suspicions and investigate the counter arguments. If that fails I do my best to follow the money. Who stands to gain by not having the devastating and real effects of global warming covered? Why don't we hear about problems with Diebold voting machines? Why don't they tell us about how the Trade Center tower 7 collapsed just as buildings 1 and 2 did even though it was not hit by any airplane? Sometimes it's very hard to follow the money. There is a lot of disinformation out there but the goal is to fry the big fish and skip the red herrings. That is the mission. Help wanted!

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