Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tragedy in Haiti & Pat Robertson is the biggest dick in the world.

This is an image from Haiti from before the devestating earthquake on Jan. 12, 2010.

Haiti should be a warning to us all. As we watch the bodies pile up in the streets of Port-au-Prince and troops deploy to bring aid and order we need to reflect on how an earthquake could be so devastating to this country.

Pat Robertson has his opinions. According to him the hand of God is punishing the poor Haitian people for making a deal with the Devil in their fight for freedom from the French in 1804. That's right. According to this mouth-piece for the Lord, the thousands and thousands of people that died in the earthquake, many of whom aren't even Haitian have all died because God is mad at them for refusing to be slaves over 200 years ago. Pat Robertson IS truly evil. Anyone that agrees with him is an ignorant racist bigot. Pat is not ignorant. He knows full well the weight of his words and the power they hold over his flock. I can only pretend to pray that there is a hell for him to eternally burn in.

Please God. Please allow Satan to boil the insides of Pat Robertson in such a manner that his scalding entrails steam and ooze from his every orifice and his flesh is charred like that of those that have burned to death in Haiti in order for him to better empathize with these victims. Please allow him to stay conscious through levels of pain that would normally cause a person to go into shock or lose consciousness.

I joke of course. If the God that Pat pretends to believe in really does exist, I am sure he will know just what to do with him.

I am sure Pat is familiar with the 3rd commandment: "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain." I never understood how he and his ilk managed to stay in business while preaching their so-called, "word of the Lord" out of one side of their mouths while begging for "donations" from the ignorant and desperate out of the other side. If ever there was a violation of the 3rd commandment it is this profiteering from false propheteering.

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