Thursday, November 19, 2009

9/11 was....just a bunch of big coincidences.

"As each day goes by, we learn this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted."
- 911 Commissioner and former United States Senator, Max Cleland

I am sure we all remember that day and what we were doing when we first heard about the tragic events unfolding in New York City and in the skies of America. I was at my old job sitting at my desk listening to the Howard Stern show when he started talking about reports of a small plane hitting the trade center. It soon became clear that it wasn't a small plane and it wasn't an accident. We turned on a t.v. and all gathered around watching as the towers fell wondering what had happened. I suspected Osama right away. I remembered the embassy bombings in Africa in 1998 and being told that he had declared war on the United States. I wanted the entire middle-east flattened into an ashtray. I knew those people over there all hated us and I wanted revenge for the worst attack on the U.S. since Pearl Harbor. It actually turned out to be worse if you just go by the number of deaths. 2388 people died in the attacks on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. It is hard to find an exact figure but most estimates have the death count of the combined attacks (all those that died at the Pentagon, World Trade Center & on flights 11, 77, 93 & 175) on September 11, 2001 at almost 3000 people.

As horrible as that day was, it seemed miraculous to me that it wasn't much worse and that many more did not die that day when considering the fact that approximately 50,000 people worked in the trade center buildings and about 40,000 visitors passed through each day. It was very fortunate that the buildings were fairly empty when they collapsed upon their own footprints with relatively little damage to most of the surrounding buildings. If you consider those in the nearby buildings and on the streets of Manhattan that day then the disaster and loss of life could have been far more tragic. Of course some other buildings were damaged that day and another building did collapse upon itself.

The 47-story, World Trade Center Tower Seven (a.k.a. Salamon Brothers building) also collapsed upon itself that day at 5:20 pm, almost 7 hours after the North tower collapsed at 10:28 am. The south tower collapsed at 9:59 am. Watch this BBC report about the collapse of tower Seven, 20 minutes before it actually happened. The very building the reporters are talking about having already collapsed is clearly visible and still standing in the background. Some people site this as evidence that the media had some foreknowledge of the collapse and therefore of other events that day. I don't. I think that the BBC news reporters were probably just confused and misinterpreted hearing that the building was about to collapse and confused it with it had collapsed. Reports did come out before the collapse of tower 7 that it could collapse and there wasn't much the firefighters could do. I would classify this media-foreknowledge idea as a red herring. What I find curious is the way tower 7 collapsed. Watch tower 7 fall for yourself. It fell down upon itself just like the other two towers did. No tipping, just straight down in what looked like a controlled demolition. If the stories of what brought down tower seven are true, then this would be the third time in history that a steel-beam structure had ever collapsed due to a fire. The first two times in history having occurred 7 hours earlier.

I remember watching buildings one & two fall in disbelief. Disbelief that it was really happening (although I knew it was) and disbelief at the way the towers fell. At first I accepted the story but the way those towers came down kept nagging at me. I no longer believe the official story of jet-fuel burning and melting steel beams to be the reasons why they fell. Towers one & two both had 110-stories and rose over 1360 feet in the air. I just could not understand how two buildings so tall could have fallen into such a small area with such relatively little damage to the surrounding areas. Some time later when I found out about tower seven and saw the way it came down I knew something was wrong with the story. Tower seven wasn't hit by a plane. Read the official FEMA report here of how the building came down. It is a complete joke! Here is the first paragraph of the report:

"World Trade Center Seven collapsed on September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m. There were no known casualties due to this collapse. The performance of WTC 7 is of significant interest because it appears the collapse was due primarily to fire, rather than any impact damage from the collapsing towers. Prior to September 11, 2001, there was little, if any, record of fire-induced collapse of large fire-protected steel buildings."

The official report of why this building came down states in it's initial paragraph that it was primarily due to fire rather than any impact damage from the other two towers. It then correctly states that this has never occurred before in history. This is The Official Story stating this! I love how they word "it appears the collapse was due primarily to fire," as if FEMA still isn't completely sure what happened or why the building came down either. Maybe they use the word "appears" because what they are really concerned with is appearances. According to FEMA any fire could have brought down tower 7 that way if it was allowed to burn long enough. It was just coincidence it happened on the day towers 1 & 2 came down. Watch another video of it. Here's another. A fire? Really?

If you can watch those videos and still believe tower seven came down due to a fire then you might as well stop here because you have bought the official story hook, line & sinker and are so very desperate to believe your government and the corporate-controlled media that you won't believe your very own eyes.

So far the story is that towers 1 & 2 are hit by jet-liners. The jet-liners explode & leak jet fule in the towers. The fuel burns so hot it melts the steel frame of the buildings and they fall down like a stack of pancakes. The tower seven collapse is even less plausible because it was not hit by an airplane and therefore not filled with the burning jet fuel (more on that later) that is said to have melted the steel in towers 1 & 2. Maybe the owner of the building knows what happened.

On July 24, 2001, management of the WTC complex was transferred by net lease to a private developer, Silverstein Properties, Inc (SPI). Prior to that time, the Port Authority operated the majority of the complex, though it did not operate the Marriott Hotel, 6 & 7 WTC (7 WTC was already owned and operated by SPI), and space within private tenant leaseholds.

A guy named Larry Silverstein bought the entire Trade Center complex less than two months before the attacks. He sued the insurers of the complex for $7.1 billion dollars after they collapsed but he will collect only $4.6 billion according to Forbes. Poor Larry? What another crazy coincidence that only a few weeks after purchasing the complex the buildings fall down and Larry made $4.6 billion off of what according to Business Week appeared to be a very bad investment at the time. The Port Authority had been trying to unload (privatize) the complex or years. Lucky Larry.


I'm just getting started.....much more to come.

I'll do my best to provide at least one link as a source to each fact I have asserted. Don't believe me, check my sources. Please follow these links for more detailed info than I have provided. Many of these sites are full of much more in-depth research and are a good source for starting your own. Don't believe them either, research the facts on your own. If you think I am wrong or stretching, please refute any of my statements with evidence of your own. If my logic is faulty, please point it out. I seek criticism. My goal is to construct an air-tight argument that 9/11 was a conspiracy conducted by people at the highest levels of our government and industry, although in my opinion this has already been done. Read Mike Ruppert's book, Crossing the Rubicon for an example.

Need more proof? Use your own eyes and mind. Look at the towers come down. What do you instinctively think? What does common sense tell you? What does logic tell you? If it looks like a duck......

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