Wednesday, November 25, 2009

When a loss to the Lions is your best game in over a year, what's a Brown's fan to do? Looking back at my posts on the Plain Dealer's Browns forum.

What you are about to read are my unedited posts on the Plain Dealer's Browns forum. Many of these posts are responses to other posters, to the writers of the article, to the players, coaches and owner of the Cleveland Browns. They contain many typos & spelling errors, smack talk and raw language. If you would like a little context for the comments look at the date and name of the article at the end of each post. I particularly enjoy my flip-flopping positions through out the course of the year and awful predictions. Man was I way off on some. They start back in January, 2009 after the end of the abysmal 2008 season and end after the Browns week 11 loss in November, 2009 to the Detroit Lions. Enjoy.

Ya know what Tick? Im starting to like you. That being said Mangini was a rushed choice. But who else had any interest in coming to Cleveland. Not Shanahan. Not Parcells. Not the chin- thank God (only a closet P-berg fan would really want him here). How many other experienced NFL head coaches were their to pick from? Thats what we all wanted right? Not a coordinator. Not a college coach. We got what we wanted so everyone quit whining or go root for Pittsburgh. Lerner is an idiot. Does he have wife or kids? Just wondering. Not clue 1 when it comes to football but that doesn't mean Mangini is gonna suck. Cant be worse than what we just had. I kinda like Mangini. I like the ballboy to head coach story. I like that he doesnt like Billy boy in NE. I like that he can beat Pittsburgh. I like that he doesn't coddle his players. Go Mangenius! Go Browns! Go Crenell! Go far away. -Posted on Cleveland Browns reach contract terms with Eric Mangini as head coach on January 07, 2009, 7:44PM

I know many will disagree but.........DA got a bad rap. Retarded play calling & Butterfingers Braylon (I hope he gets benched the first drop he has in 09) lost half our games for us last year. Not DA! I agree he was inconsistent but he did rack up some records in 2007 & went to the pro-bowl. I think he went 4 games in a row without an interception in 2008 & we all know he has a great arm. I agree he is inconsistent, doesn't always make the right choice & hasn't always displayed great leadership. However he is young. Hear me out. BQ should start this year (have we got rid of that loud mouthed, non-tackling, Smith yet?). It's his turn & he has waited long enough. But I don't know what we would get for DA in a trade & we would still have his cap issues. Who is our #2 QB if DA goes? Fellow Browns fans I appeal to your reason. I think we should keep DA around another year if he even wants to stay here. I think he is effected by us fans a little more than should be. Getting cheered when down may have turned his stomach to the fans in Orange & Brown (& the fans that did that are an embarassment to C-town). I know he is getting paid a lot of money but I think even more than that DA truly wants to be loved by the fans. Think about it. He has a stellar year in 2007 & they still don't sell his jersey but Quinn's fly off the shelves. That would annoy me too. So c'mon fans! Show DA some love & hope that the Mangenious keeps him around to back up Brady this year. I think it is really our best option. HERE WE GO BROWNIES!! -Posted on Browns analysis: As draft approaches, Anderson's value may rise for suitors on February 17, 2009, 4:50PM

Nice article written about what some guy on Espn says about what he thinks could happen. WOW! That's frakkin journalism! Way to dig deep Mary.
To my point. I am not nor have never been much of a Quinn fan (with the notable exceptions of when he was actually quarter-backing a game for the Browns, cuz I was rooting my ass for him then) but I did want him to start this year. I liked DA but felt he had his chances and blew them (some of his help on the field and sidelines blew last year as well). I felt Quinn had acted very professionally (and being paid handsomely to do so) while he paced the sidelines the last two seasons patiently awaiting his opportunities. The few he had he did not look bad. I liked the hometown factor of Quinn and that he went to Notre Dame (I'm Irish!). I want to be a Quinn fan but it seemed disrespectful to our actual starting quarterback that the only jersey's you see for sale are Quinn's and not Anderson's - the STARTING QUARTERBACK. Anyway, I digress. I hate the fact he came out as a frakkin' McCain supporter and went and attended his rally. What does that say to the majority of your team-mates (keep it real)? It says you aren't on their side. Bad move. Probably why Smith smacked him.
Anyway my point is: If the Browns trade Quinn before ever giving him a real chance to start here in Cleveland. It would be a real smack in the face to the many, many loyal Browns fans that have been waiting for him to start and see what he has. Including me! I am a Quinn fan now. I liked the fact he stood up to Smith. I liked the fact he's a hometown kid and actually wants to be the quarterback of the Browns. You can't say that about alot of pro quarterbacks. I can forgive his ignorance. Bring back Joe and let's see those two play some catch this year.
Here we go Brownies!!!
-Posted on Will Cleveland Browns part with Brady Quinn in a three-way deal involving Jay Cutler? on April 01, 2009, 11:06PM

Thanks again Tony for giving us disgruntled, football-starved, fans at least something to read about our beloved Brownies, be it speculation or whatever. I know your heart is in the right spot and report what you are able to get from the team-NOT, sloppy-2nd-hand sources. So robkeel2008 take it easy on Tony. I don't think Tony was casting a "literary jab" by pointing out that Leggett is a candidate at wide reciever. He was just hi-lighting the dismal situation we have there.
As for QB. Why are so many fans still looking for a new QB? QB is not the problem in Cleveland. DA was not the "main" problem last year! Dropped passes, stupid coaching and no pass-rush was the problem. DA put up record numbers in 2007 & went to the Probowl. We have 2 starting QB's! Pick 1 to start and keep the other as #2. I think Quinn should get his shot this year if for no other reason than to make the fans happy. He has been very professional since holding out and deserves his shot now.
As for the people that think we are gonna suck or can't win this year all I have to say is you people must be miserable to hang out with. We will have much the same roster as in 2007, a much easier schedule than in 2008, and I believe a Coach that is motivated to kick some ass and get our team back on track. I think that will rub off on the players and translate into a winning season.
I know one thing is for sure. The Lions would have made our team look like the Lions if we would have played them in that last bit of schedule last year. NO WAY we can ever be that awful again. -Posted on Hey, Tony: Tony Grossi answers your Cleveland Browns questions on April 06, 2009, 2:10PM

Awesome article! It's great having something to actually read once in a while on here (not just glance at). I liked the draft strategy of trading down for more picks. Nobody is gonna look back 2 years from now and say what a bust and waste of money our #5 pick was at least. I know all the reading gave rikosuave a headache but he'll be okay. Hey Riko! You didn't have to read the whole thing! The title of the article did say it was a transcript. Would you prefer your newspaper articles in text message format? I sometimes wonder if the only fans the Browns have left are complete idiots (myself included). I like transcripts of interviews because the audio on the videos usually sucks so bad you cant hear the questions and only half the answers anyway. So thanks again for the interesting, relevant and factual article. Keep up the great work anonymous staff writer. Go Browns! -Posted on Transcript of Kokinis-Mangini postdraft news conference on April 27, 2009, 11:04AM

I just wanna say that I am overall pleased with the draft & strategy of the Mangenius. Trading down for added depth was way better than wasting our picks on what would surely be a hi-dollar #5 that may or not be a bust.
I am also happy with the choice of a big strong center. Looks like our new coach realizes you build a team from the center out and that the O-line is the most important part of the team. You can't run or pass without it. If you wanna play the ball control football you better have a top-notch O-line to keep your defense off the field. I think if this center lives up to potential & Tucker can stay healthy we have a great shot at over 500, maybe even wild card.
We obviously will need to keep the D off the field to do that. The defense seems still pretty week at LB & backfield. If we can get Cribbs and Harrison much more involved with the ball I think our offense will be better than 2007 regardless of QB. I look forward to a real competition between QB's this year & will support whoever we put out there & I trust Mangenius to be 100% objective in that decision. Even though I dont care for Quinn's politics I kinda hope he gets his chance this year.
Too bad we cant bring Joe back at WR. Does anyone know why he was let go? Can anyone find out how many games Tucker played in last year & how many of those we won? I know he played in the Monday night game when we whooped on the G-men & Winslow did not.
-Posted on Cleveland Browns post-draft analysis: Plenty of decisions await for revamped roster on April 28, 2009, 12:42PM

Braylon, Braylon, Braylon....what are we gonna do with that kid? I really hope the new coach or last year of contract has some effect on his motivation & desire to win this year. One big drop this year and I hope to watch him ride the bench out of town. Watching him choose between making a big-time, game-changing, catch on Monday night football or letting go of the ball so he could cushion his fall last year told me everything I need to know about this guy. Spoiled, self-centered, heartless, distracted,& un-motivated to help the Browns win. When was the last time you've seen him catch anything over the middle or take a hit and make a catch at the same time? I think you are gutless Braylon and could not care less about winning in Cleveland and I highly doubt you'll prove me wrong this year but I really hope you do. Go Brownies!
- Posted on Cleveland Browns morning news roundup on April 30, 2009, 9:59AM

My Predictions: Remember, you heard them here first.
After carefully analyzing our new team on Madden 2008 I have come up with the following projected depth chart and season record. I have built all the rookies and traded for all the new aquisitions and released all players we let go for one reason or another. I also adjusted player attributes to properly reflect their current abilities (e.g., I dropped Edwards catching ability down quite a bit and improved Cribbs tackling based on his special team performances as gunner). I know it's not exactly science but I'm currently unemployed and obviously have way too much free time.
Cleveland Browns 2009 Depth Chart
QB- Quinn, Ratliff (I think DA gets traded- we still need a new starter at HB and a shutdown CB).
HB- Healthy mix of Jamal (old and slow) & Jerome (young and quick).
WR- Braylon's back at #1! (I'm crossing my fingers-God help us). Robiskie at #2, Furrey & Patten will battle for #3, I think Cribbs will be used in special situations a bit more. Massaquoi will probably need a year to develop.
TE- Royal, Heiden, Rucker.
FB- Vickers, Ali.
LT- Big Joe Thomas. We're in big trouble if he goes down.
LG- Steinbach (although I heard rumors he may not be around). If that is the case Womack steps in which would probably improve our run blocking which may earn him a starting spot anyway.
C- Big Mack attack! Fraley is still gonna be an asset in the rotation. He can play both sides at Guard & Tackle.
RG- Hadnot (maybe Fraley or Womack).
RT- Tucker (if Healthy) otherwise we are probably looking at St.Clair (weak). I'd prefer to move Hadnot over here & patch Fraley in at RG.
All in all offensively I think we are a little improved (especially if Braylon can hold onto the ball-he should be motivated to since his contract is up this year). The OL has been beefed up & should show in the run game. QB is still a big ? WR spot has a lot more depth and should be improved. We added youth, speed and veteran hands and lost what? Stallworthless.. Too bad about Joe though. I would have liked to have seen him make it back. Tight end spot is improved. With Winslow on the field the defense knew we were gonna throw cause he couldn't/wouldn't block. We now have two proven blockers with hands to make the clutch catch. Good riddance K2. We still need help at running-back. Jamal is getting old and way too slow to the hole and won't be able to handle the reps he used to get. Jerome is awesome as a slotback but not rugged enough for the inside. Herron and Davis won't be much of a factor.
NT- Rogers (hopefully he plays to potential again and doesn't take the year off like he did in Detroit).
RE- C. Williams (I think Leonard is going to get in on passing situations more often this year).
LE- R. Smith (I'll be looking to see S. Smith in the rotation quite a bit this year and lining up next to Rogers in the nickel).
MLB- L. Williams & Jackson keep their starting spots as long as the contracts get worked out. Barton adds quality veteran help from the bench.
ROLB- Wimbley starts but needs to step up this year or lose his spot to a young gun who does. Ruud? Vekuine?
LOLB- Hall should win the start but I could see Jackson or Barton here. If Ruud or Vekuine can compete here and are able to rush the passer they will get time on the field.
CB- Wright and McDonald. We really need some help/speed here. Hopefully one of the rooks can shine. I think Francies has the best shot at getting in. Poteat adds solid veteran leadership and could come in for the nickel.
FS- Elam. Some people are predicting big things from him this year. Pool is still solid.
SS- Abdullah. I think he will be a surprise. If not, we still have Pool.
We had a lot of holes to patch on defense. We have added a lot of depth (both young & vet). It remains to be seen if it's enough. I think our line will benefit from our slight improvement at LB in the run game but our pass coverage will remain weak if we don't see a dramatically improved pass rush. Hall and Wimbley need to step up.
Special Teams.
K- Dawson
P- Zastudil
KR & PR- Cribbs unless they pull him from one of these and start to use him much more on offense or maybe even defense. If we do then I think we see the rookies. Massaquoi in on kicks and Davis on punts.
This should still be our place to shine. Very solid kicking, returning and coverage.

Overall, I think the team is improved, at least on paper. Coaching should be better than what we have seen the last couple of years (couldn't posssibly be much worse). Offense is improved on the line (THE most important piece of any football team and the proper place to start, hopefully they can stay healthy) and recieving. QB (I'm hoping Quinn gets his shot and proves all the believers right and doubters wrong) and HB are still anyone's guess. I think the Defense will show some improvement everywhere but it all comes down to pass rush. If we can get it going, we should be okay. If not...well I hope we can control the ball and score a lot. The wild card in all of this is Mr. Josh Cribbs. I'd love to see him in the defensive backfield at safety. I think he could be an interception machine. Could you imagine him blitzing? It might be the defensive spark we need.
Based on this analysis I have predicted this year's record based on the following fairly weak schedule.
9/13 v Vikings- L (they are gonna run us over)
9/20 at Broncos- W (we bounce back big)
9/27 at Ravens- L (we split with Baltimore)
10/4 v Bengals- W (we sweep Cincy this year)
10/11 at Bills- W (really a toss up)
10/18 at Steelers L (they sweep us as always and win division)
10/25 v Packers- W (could easily go the other way)
11/1 at Bears- W (we rack up the points in this one)
11/16 v Ravens- W (refreshed from the bye we whip them at home)
11/22 at Lions- W (we would have lost this last year)
11/29 at Bengals- W (we are on a roll now and they can't stop us)
12/6 v Chargers- L (way too much for our D to handle)
12/10 v Steelers- L (I'm afraid 4 days to prepare is gonna get us embarassed)
12/20 @ Chiefs- W (10 days prep and motivated to show up Pioli)
12/27 v Raiders- W (Mangini has us prepared for must win)
1/3 v Jaguars- W (we close with big win at home and shot at wildcaRD)
Maybe I'm an optimist but wouldn't 11-5 be great? I really think we go 8-8 at worst.
Here we go Brownies! Here we go! Woof! Wooof!
Posted on Cleveland Browns morning news roundup on May 14, 2009, 1:59PM

Thanks to all those that appreciated my long-winded, bolonalysis. I'm always an optimist in May. We are winning the super-bowl this year!
As for you BUTZADRAGN, sorry if you did not like my predictions. Just keepin it real and calling it like I see. I would love for us to demolish the Pigsturd Squeelers. But they are pretty good. Also, what's a BIG DAG?
HADENOUGH? Please dude learn to read before you write. Good God, you are ignorant.
Posted on Cleveland Browns morning news roundup on May 14, 2009, 11:24PM

Well I agree all pro athletes are extremely overpaid compared to their contribution to society and owners are much worse. That is why I do not agree with TheGlue29 who says "it's just capitalism and that is how the free-world works". Dig a little deeper Glue and you will find out that we don't really have capitalism here in this country. Capitalism can only take place in a free-market. The market in this country is not free. Certain industries and corporations are subsidized by the government "our tax dollars are given to them" while other industries are not subsidized. The playing field is not level, so there is no free-market, so there is no true capitalism here either. That is why I would prefer a truly Socialist economic system here in the "free-world".
As to all of those that think Socialism is a bad word and at the same time think you are good Christian tell me what did Jesus own? Jesus wanted everyone to share (Jesus was a socialist)and believed people should have no possesions. I'm no bible-thumper but usually those that are all for Capitalism also think they are good Christians at the same time. You can't be both.
But, the reality is the system is the system that it is and Cribbs is just playing the "game" like everyone else. If he can get more money he should go for it! I would, wouldn't you? He is definately one of our best producers on the field and is certainly worth as much as many players making more than he is. I just hope it all gets worked out soon and hope he really does start on both sides of the field.
Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns WR Josh Cribbs set to skip minicamp if contract isn't reworked on May 18, 2009, 5:34PM

Hey Sccurly! "When Obama is finished ruining the economy"?? Are you whacked in the head? Where were you the last 8 years? Go learn your facts.
As for Cribbs. I believe him over Lerner any day.
However, Cribbs should honor the contract that he signed and if dandy Randy promised Josh a new contract he should give him one. To me it seems these "contracts" are pretty meaningless if they don't need to be honored and you can hold out for a new one whenever you feel like it.
Such a shame. Josh had me fooled that he was different from all the prima-donnas. Looks like he is just another one now.
Posted on Cleveland Browns dispute with Josh Cribbs is deep rooted on May 19, 2009, 12:32PM

unknownrash: I am much more concerned about the price of a gallon of milk and gasoline than I am about the stock market. The market is rigged. If you really want to look at it though why don't you look at the profits of Exxon Mobile over the last 8 years. But if it makes you feel better just blame Obama. Bush did such great things for this country, right?
Posted on Cleveland Browns dispute with Josh Cribbs is deep rooted on May 19, 2009, 2:05PM

"Contrary to published reports this morning, no one from the current Browns organization, including Owner Randy Lerner, has ever made any promises to Josh Cribbs with regard to his contract status."
Wow! How classy is that? Why don't you publicly call one of your star players a liar. Even if Cribbs and his agent are going to make a public issue of the hold-out, you would think the Browns organization would have sense enough to keep the issue "in house." I guess not. I'm not sure who actually released the above statement but I highly doubt it was our beloved owner Randy (the dandy) Lerner. I think only he & Cribbs know the real truth about what was said in the phone conversation so the above statement is just a slap in the face to Cribbs and a public insult.
I'm not sure I am digging the new management so much. First Mangini snubbs our pro-bowl DT Rogers, then release Joe J. when we desperately need veteran recievers. I'd take him over Patten or Furrey any day. Now they are calling our pro-bowl special teamer a liar in public.
I am glad we aren't babying these guys anymore but I think they might get a little more out of the players if they showed them a little more respect.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Josh Cribbs to ask for trade if Browns won't budge on May 19, 2009, 2:32PM

While I believe contract negotiations should be kept in house it is the Browns fault that it has gotten this far. Most teams know how to handle these situations before they become a problem. I wonder if that is why Josh was the first to actually introduce himself to Mangini? Sure maybe Josh should honor his contract but this sorta thing seems to be the norm in the NFL and Josh just wants to get what he thinks he deserves.
The bottom line is: this whole situation would have been avoided if our absentee-landlord of an owner, Randy the Dandy wouldn't have indicated to Josh that they would rework his contract. Now our owner is calling him a liar in public. This sends a very negative message to all the rest of his players. The message is: "OUR OWNER WILL LIE TO US ON THE PHONE AND THEN PUBLICLY CALL US THE LIARS."
I sure as hell wouldn't care about winning anything for that guy and I doubt the players that dress up as Cleveland Browns (they aren't really Browns until they start playing like a team that wants to win) this year will either. My optimism for this year is dwindling fast everytime I am reminded of what a idiot we have for an owner.
Posted on Agent for Cleveland Browns' Josh Cribbs tells team to rework contract, or make a trade on May 20, 2009, 10:23AM

Dear Josh,
If your letter was a ploy to buy sympathy from the fans so that they will rally behind your case and hopefully pressure the "powers-that-be" into renegotiating your contract, well I think you did your self a disservice. Sorry, man. I think you already had as much fan support as you could get. Most Browns fans know you are one of the few exciting players we have, a true play-maker and game-changer. Most of us also know you are probably under-paid compared to what you bring to the team and others in your position. However, whining about unfairness and listing your positives isn't gonna work for me. I could do the same thing you know. Do you care that I am underpaid/unemployed? Do you care that I have a family to raise and support too? Man, I used to love watching football as an escape from reality and hopefully get to bask in the glory of an occassional vistory. Reading this appeal is putting a real sour taste in my mouth. Are you that out of touch with the everyday problems and financial situations of the rest of us in the real world that you thought this letter was a good idea? Sorry, even with a few valid points you get no pity from me. You are still a guy making more money playing in one game than most of us will make in years. Most of us would love to be in your shoes. Please count your blessings before you insult your fans again.
Die-hard Browns since I started watching in 1976.
p.s.- I do wish you the best of luck with the contract situation and understand your position. Hope to see you in Brown & Orange this year taking off some recievers heads.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Cribbs' releases statement regarding contraact on May 21, 2009, 4:09PM

As I am sure most of you are keeping tabs on my updated Madden depth chart I have tentatively added Hood as starting CB along with Wright. McD is now the nickel. I am holding to my 11-5 prediction despite all those that think I am crazy. If I can't be an optimist in May, when can I?
Go Browns!
Superbowl in 09!!!
I say it every year in hopes I will be right once before I die.
Posted on Cleveland Browns sign CB Rod Hood on May 27, 2009, 2:10PM

Hey Mary Kay? Who are these sources and these veterans that are complaining and baffled?
I hope someone on this sorry excuse for a team steps-up (maybe a veteran that wants to be considered a leader "Brady?") and says, "I feel priveliged to have the oppurtunity to help out these youngsters and I look forward to taking this trip with my new teammates.
I hope the kids up in Hartford don't hear how much you whining b"#@hes are complaining.
Some people really need to start counting their blessings. This is just ridiculous. Are these guys actually complaining because they have to ride on a bus for a 20hr round-trip. WOW!
I seriously don't know if I can root for these guys anymore. Is that what our "blue-collar" team has come to? Complaining about sitting on their asses for a day and losing a free weekend? What do these spoiled brats know about work and sacrifice if that is what they complain about? I can't pretend to relate to this team or pretend they represent MY Town if these guys are going to complain about having to ride a bus. The long 30+ year, self-induced, illusion/delusion is over. These guys most definately do not represent me or the city of Cleveland. I guess they really haven't since they left town.
Mary Kay!! Please at least let the rest of the real Browns know who these sources are so that they can shut them up quickly. They are giving our team some really bad PR. I hope those sources are good Mary Kay and this story ain't just a bunch of BS or else you would be the one giving OUR team and city some really bad PR.
Posted on Sources: Browns rookies and agents upset about 10-hour bus trip to work at Mangini camp on May 29, 2009, 5:58PM

Am I the only one that bothered to follow the 2 clicks I had to do to get to the Lerner story or is that noone else cares about how we the fans get bilked by our sub-mediocre Brownies while Lerner just keeps getting richer? Here is the link directly to the site of the story for those interested:
Go Lerner! Go MBNA! I mean... God bless America and Go Browns!
Posted on Looking back at a Cavaliers loss, checking in on the deal the Lerners got from Cleveland and more - Sports blog network on June 01, 2009, 9:39PM

Hey praiselebron:
If you are ever told to sit down at a Browns game again you should politely ask the offended party, "what in the hell are they doing at a football game?" Let the idiot know he probably shouldn't have bought the damn tickets if he was worried about someone blocking his view.
It's these type of people that lost us our team to begin with. Modell wanted a stadium with fancier/pricier seating to attract the corporate/country-club crowd. F them! I'm sorry. I thought this was the Cleveland Browns. Ya know, blue-collar football. Not a croquet or polo match. Tell the dude to keep sitting with his thumb up his a$$, shut-up & drink his tea. I sure hope he doesn't get any beer spilled on him. Goodness No!
Posted on Ten Commandments of a Browns Fan on June 01, 2009, 9:56PM

"There's nothing wrong with being average in the NFL. Did you know that nearly half of all NFL players are below average??? I'll be happy if we have an "average" QB. It'll be a step up from where we've been."
"Yes, it's an old joke that the someone says... nearly half of all ___ are below the national average....By definition, half of everything is below average."
Sorry Gaspode, I have to point out some flaws in your statements (just cuz its my nature). You obviously know that your first statement is misleading, but your second statement is false.
Average is by definition an approximation of the statistical mean. You may indeed have more players below average than above and vice versa in any given statistical category. For example, last year we had 5 guys play QB. 1 threw 9 TDs, 1 threw 2 and the other 3 threw 0. 11 TDs/5 QBs= average 2.2 TDs thrown per QB. So, in this category only one QB was above average, while the other 4 were below. This is obviously misleading because it does not consider any other statistical categories such as Pass attempts.
Anyway, you are correct in saying our QB's were below average if we look at QB Ratings last year when compared to other NFL QBs, so average would be an improvement. I would also be happy with an average QB if we have an above average rushing game.
My thinking is this: above average O-line= above average Rushing & time of possession= above average Passing= above average defense. In that order. Its starts with the O-line & I think Mangini is on the right track. Hopefully that will translate into above average Wins.
Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns quarterbacks slogging on on June 03, 2009, 11:16AM

How about some "recession seating" or an "unemployed package"? How about just one game a year with some tickets set aside and priced for the people that actually live in the community the Browns play in? I'm talking $10-$20 seats up in the nose-bleeds. Just another example of how this team and league has become out of touch with its real fan-base. Most NFL fans are middle class/working class or below poverty level. Yet the NFl continues to cater to corporate packages and the rich. For me and my family (wife & 3 kids and Grandpa) to attend a game its out of reach. 6 tickets at $60/piece, plus parking and drinks and we are over $400. I don't know many people that can afford that these days. If the Browns ownership really want some good PR he should set aside some seats for 1 game & sell them really cheap to those people disadvantaged in the community. He's got enough cash to cover his losses.
C'mon Randy! You donated over $8,000,000 last year to that London art museum (National Portrait Gallery).
How about giving back a little to the people of Cleveland!?!? Check out how Randy makes millions while the taxpayers of Cleveland and Ohio pay for his stadium if you haven't read it already.
Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Indians partner on plan to sell luxury suites packages on June 04, 2009, 12:08PM

Im rooting for BQ to start only due to Da not seeming to want to be here and his inconsistemcy. I think it is time to give Brady a shot. But, I have to wonder why he has failed to win the starting spot yet now going into 3rd year and 2nd coach.
Posted on Cleveland Browns quarterback competition far from over on June 04, 2009, 12:22PM

What planet am I from? Not planet Iluvubrady like you seem to be. Please... to suggest that Quinn hasn't had a chance to win the starting spot is ridiculous. I believe he could have/would have started his first year if he would have shown up to camp on time and been impressive enough. He obviously did neither. They didn't draft him to ride the bench. Last year was an open competition. Maybe Savage was biased towards DA but I am sure if Quinn would have shown that he was significantly better he would have started. Now he has a new coach and new guys around him. As I said, I hope he gets his shot this year but, more important to me is winning as many games as possible. Can you say the same?
Posted on Cleveland Browns quarterback competition far from over on June 04, 2009, 12:59PM

I didn't realize you spoke for everyone on this forum nor do I care if I am in the majority/minority opinion. I only care about The Browns winning as many games as possible and most importantly eventually winning the super-bowl. I would hope that is what the Browns are worried about too. Since you seem to be such a big Quinn fan please just tell me one thing that makes him a superior QB than DA. Don't list DA's negatives. Tell me what Quinn has done that makes him better than DA. You still didn't answer my first question either. What is more important to you, whether Quinn starts are winning games? Really don't like this tit-for-tat but since you called me out you should man up and answer.
Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns quarterback competition far from over on June 04, 2009, 1:24PM

Thanks for the response rael1. I think I agree with you. My initial point was that if Quinn was that great he would have won the starting spot by now. It's been 3 years. I hope Mangini continues the competition and makes an objective decision when it comes to which QB is gonna help us win the most games. As I said before I hope Quinn gets his shot this year. DA is too inconsistent.
Serenitydogg, I am not a DA guy or Quinn guy. I am a Browns fan.
Posted on Cleveland Browns quarterback competition far from over on June 04, 2009, 2:09PM

Im tired of hearing about the babies whining about a bus ride and practices are too long. Whaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Quit complaining babies! Welcome to the real world for a little bit. If you don't like your job, quit and try to get another one playing a kid's game and making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Otherwise, SHUT-UP!!!
Posted on Players group reviewing bus trip, long days of Cleveland Browns rookies: Browns Insider on June 05, 2009, 11:06AM

Geez! Are we still talking about this bus-ride? Good God! The players should be greatful for the chance to play a game for a living. I kinda suspect jay9211 is right in that it wasn't so much the players complaining but the agents complaining for them. Either way it makes these guys look like a bunch of spoiled babies.
Why didn't they fly? Hello! I think this is suppossed to be for a charity. I'm sure alot of money was saved by taking the bus. So they lost a free weekend. So they had to ride on a bus 10 hrs each way. So they had to help some kids in Connecticut play football. SO F-ing WHAT!?!? They can go flip burgers, work in a rubber plant, or go do some door to door sales if they don't like it. Even those jobs are hard to get these days. How about they ship off to the middle-east & they worry about getting blown up or sniped as they ride around.
I just think these kids have a lot to be greatful for and complaining about this trip is just a slap in the face to the real, hard-working fans of the Browns. How many of you fans would jump at the chance to take that bus ride if it meant you get to try out to play for a pro football team and make over $100,00/year?
The answer again is that Mangini was not wrong. He is trying to forge a new team out of the rubble of last season. The little weekend roadtrip didn't hurt them a bit.
Posted on Hey, Tony: Tony Grossi answers your Cleveland Browns questions on June 08, 2009, 3:04PM

Dude, Joe Jurevicius hasn't been a Brown for a while now. I wish he still was. We could use him. At least he wanted to play here and "almost" always made the clutch catch. Good Luck to Joe. Good luck to Charlie too. Both local boys. I hope they do well where ever they end up. Ya know why? Because I am a Cleveland fan. That's what I do. I root for our local teams and players.... unless they play for Pigsturd.
Go Browns!
Posted on Former Cleveland Browns quarterback Charlie Frye signs with the Oakland Raiders on June 09, 2009, 1:24PM

GO FILTHY PHIL!!!!!!!!!!
By far my favorite current Brown. The only one still around since the return in 99 and he has scored 891 points for the Cleveland Browns. How many other players in history can even come close to that? He always comes through with the clutch kick. Remember blizzard bowl against Buffalo? He couldn't even see the goal-posts through the wind and snow. It's good! We win!! One of the few players that consistently delivers for the Browns.
I hope it all works out for #4.
Go Browns!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns kicker Phil Dawson to attend mandatory camp despite contract dispute on June 10, 2009, 8:07PM

To those of you joking about this subject (the death of a 59 yo old man on his way home from work) I can only feel sad for you. You obviously were brought up very wrong. I am sorry your parents neglected/abandoned/abused you and now you think life and death is a joke. Maybe it wasn't your parents at all. Maybe it is just how our society has become. Fraudulent governments starting wars about lies, while death is on every tv & computer screen 24/7 all in so the corporations that rule the world can make more money. It's no wonder we have all become so callous. We are a nation of money-worshiping zombies. Life is just another commodity. That's what this all come down to. If a team thinks it will help them win games and therefore make money, he will be back. If they think it is not worth the loss of revenue due to bad PR then he won't be. Simple as that and completely disgusting. I wish the family of Mario Reyes the best. I wish no harm to Donte Stallworth. However, as a father of 3 and a life-long, die-hard Browns fan I won't ever be cheering or rooting for him. I think it would send the wrong message to my kids, that you can break the law and kill someone and still make millions and be cheered for it. That means if he shows up in Brown and Orange this year my days of wasting my time on Sundays are over. I know it won't hurt the Browns or NFL at all. I can't afford tickets anyway. But we do see the commercials on t.v. and won't any more if he plays. We all have the power to boycott if you feel like I do. Let the Browns and NFL know this is not acceptable. We do not want to be put into a position where we have to either root for a team/league of killers or not watch at all. The choice is simple to me but I obviously have a different opinion than many. Therefore, the Browns and NFL will survive whether he plays or not. Too bad Mario Reyes did not.
Posted on Donte Stallworth should be gone from the NFL for a year, and from the Cleveland Browns for good: Terry Pluto on June 19, 2009, 6:40PM

You are an ignorant moron. Have you had some bad experiences with black people or were you just raised that way? Your comments give this whole forum a bad rep. Why do you even care about the Browns and read and post here? You do realize most of the guys on the team are black, right? Do you just root for Dawson, the quarterbacks and our O-line? This is not a race issue. A rich black guy hit a working Latino guy. It's a CLASS issue. You and me would be doing real time because we wouldn't have the money to pay to the victim's family to keep us out of jail. That's how it works with our justice system. That's how our society works. Time is money. If you have the money you don't do the time. It was a tragic accident and maybe Mr. Reyes shouldn't have crossed where he did. However, that does not take Stallworth off the hook for DUI and running into him. If Dante wouldn't have been drinking & smoking & speeding he might have been able to avoid the hitting the man. Best wishes to the Reyes family. Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns receiver Donte Stallworth did not get away with it, writer says on June 23, 2009, 1:26PM

All the national writers are going to keep predicting that we will be awful this year because they only are looking at how we did last year & if we got any "star" players since then. All they know is that we let go of one of our stars (Winslow), fired our coach, drafted a center, hired a coach the Jets fired & one of our WR's is in legal trouble. Nothing stands out to them that we are gonna be much if any better than last year because the national writers obviously aren't doing their homework.
We did suck last year. We didn't score a TD in the last 6 games?!? It's pretty easy to say we will suck again. They don't want to look foolish to their peers evidently and report how Crennell was the sorriest excuse for a football coach the league has ever seen and how Winslow is actually a detriment to any team he plays on. He is another me first "I'm a soldier", throw me the ball every play, injury-prone, non-blocking player that is useless to a team. Whenever he was on the field they should have announced over the PA that a pass is coming, certainly not a run to his side. He leaves a team pretty predictable. So getting rid of those two is a vast improvement to our team right there. I think our Defense and Offense are gonna be a bit improved due to the new coaches too. I think our draft picks our pretty solid if not flashy. Combine that with a much easier schedule than last year. If Braylon can just hold onto the ball & Jamal's legs can hold out I think we are gonna surprise a lot of these nay-saying writers.
Go Browns!!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns evening news roundup on July 01, 2009, 3:45PM

Hey Kellen!
How much $ did you make last year? How much were you making while you sat out two years because of your stupid motorcycle accident? What do you do for a living again? I'm sure the boo-boo on your balls sucked but please shut-up. Noone is gonna feel sorry for you.
Posted on Former Cleveland Browns tight end Kellen Winslow talks about last year's staph infection on July 21, 2009, 11:40AM

Thank you Alex.
And why is it seem that always the linemen can get a deal done on time while everybody else has such a hard time? Thomas didn't hold out & he got a huge contract. Sounds like our boy Alex got a nice deal. Is it their workman-like/team-first mentality? Is it because they have a higher average IQ than the specialty players? (It's true) Is it because the don't need to be prima-donnas and know how to just shut-up, play the game and get the job done? Well hopefully the rest of the guys will be on board before Aug 1. Otherwise, they ain't likely to see the field much.
Posted on Cleveland Browns sign Alex Mack for five years on July 25, 2009, 8:02PM

This is awesome! We all sound like a bunch a flaming fashion designers today. I'm all for a whole new look. I was for a whole new look when we came back in 99. It's not the same Browns they used to be so we should stop pretending. Keep the general scheme & no logos on the helmet but I am all for a new look. Updating the colors is not a bad idea. Still brown & orange but modernized. I like the brown pants. They do need stripes though. The orange jerseys must go. The orange pants should come back with both brown & white jerseys. No more white pants. Here we go. Brown pants/white jerseys away & orange pants/brown jerseys at home. That's the ticket. Modernize the colors & striping & we are all set to kick butt. Go Browns!!!!
Posted on Oh, fudge: Are Browns bringing back dark pants for '09 season? NFL Insider on July 28, 2009, 5:52PM

Here we go.........again. Please don't tell me. Not another bunch of staph infections. Please! What else could possibly be keeping Braylon from showing up on time and doing everything he can to impress the new regime in a contract year especially after his abysmal season last year? The Wolverins aren't playing already are they? Maybe a new 5-hr energy commercial?
Posted on Braylon Edwards fails Browns physical; Mohamed Massaquoi signs contract: Browns Insider on July 28, 2009, 6:09PM

I love how everyone is assuming Braylon will be the #1 reciever this year. I wouldn't put it past Mangini benching him if he is dropping easy passes in pre-season. I still remember vividly how he purposely dropped a pivotal 1st-down reception on primetime last year so that he could break his own fall. That said it all for me. It was quite clear he cared more about himself than his team, this town, us fans or winning. He is afraid to catch anything in the middle. Let the 2 new rooks and the 2 new old guys run the routes. I know. I know. At this point Braylon is still our most dangerous weapon to go deep and keep the defense honest but only if he can hold onto the ball. I hope he gets it turned around this year and can get a grip on his mental toughness. If he can't I think he is gone.
Posted on Cleveland Browns sign receiver Mohamed Massaquoi on July 28, 2009, 6:26PM

Tony! I love ya man but you got it wrong this time. You don't measure the importance of special teams by the # of plays compared to # of plays on offense & defense. It is all about field position & field goals. With Dawson we are very solid in the field goal department. With Cribbs we are very solid in returns and coverage. The Browns need to make these guys happy quick because special teams has been one of the very few bright spots this team has consistently had the last few years. Good field position not only shortens the field for the offense but lengthens it for the defense. It can give both squads a much needed advantage. If the teams are evenly matched on offense and defense then the team with the best punter and kicker will often win. That's us. If we can just match the teams we play and win the field position battles and make our field goals we will win the tight games. Go Browns!!!!!!!
Posted on Preseason concerns are minor with special teams: Cleveland Browns training camp preview on July 29, 2009, 12:44PM

Browns 11-5 (We beat Pit, Bal 1x, Cin 2x)
Pitts 10-6 (They beat div, 1x each)
Bal 9-6 (They beat Cle, Pit 1x, Cin 2x)
Cin 7-9 (They beat Pit 1x)
That's right. We surprise everyone and win the division. Pittsburgh becomes mortal. Baltimore stays solid. Cincinnati remains Cicinnati.
I ain't drinking any Kool-aid. My analysis is pure science.....and it is still July.
Go Browns!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on AFC North preseason preview: Will Steelers, Ravens enter camp dominant once again? on July 30, 2009, 11:59AM

Shucks! Now I have to redo my whole Madden 2009 Browns team. I have to figure in Hood as cornerback for sure and I had no idea we are so weak at Weak-side linebacker. I had Hall starting. I'll probably leave him there. Leon Washington starts on the inside with Jackson.
Go Browns!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on Browns are another Cleveland construction project on July 31, 2009, 9:34PM

I'm gonna go myself tomorrow to check this out first hand and I will report back here with all the scoop. I have no bias towards QB situation. I would like to see BQ get his shot since DA has had his already. But I do remember 2007, great year for DA except when it counted against Cincy (choke). Last year was not his fault. Butterfingers Braylon, Romeovoid, no D & no O-line caused that mess. I want the Browns to win. I want them to win the superbowl. That should be their goal every year! Not improvement or making the playoffs. Their is one goal every NFL team should have each year & that is to win the Friggin BIG game. I will scrutinize every snap tomorrow in hopes of seeing a glimmer of a team that looks like they have that goal. BQ or DA? I don't care. Just win baby. Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns training camp log -- Day 4 on August 04, 2009, 6:18PM

Just back from practice and here is the scoop:
1. You can win some cool shirts from the Cleveland Clinic booth if you can complete 3/5 passes. Both my kids got a shirt.....I did not :(
2. The kids got a great picture and autographs with the best Brown of all...Filthy Phil Dawson.
3. My daughter enjoyed her hotdog.
4. Iron Maiden's "Run to the Hills" was blaring as we entered the facility. This in itself says we are about to have a GREAT year. Any team that practices to Iron Maiden should be ready to kick the livin' dog snot out of all opposition.
5. The defensive unit seems to be really fired up. I heard more barking from them than I did from any fans. I like it. I think they have the glimmer I was looking for.
6. Braylon is back & looked good as Tony said.
7. Tucker is looking strong. As wingeater32 said, he is the reason we won on Monday night last year. That and the fact K2 didn't play.
8. Lots of stuff going on. I didn't have the best view from where I was standing so I couldn't see exactly who participated in each play.
9. I didn't quite understand DA practicing the bootleg in the two minute drill. Him running it is sort of a last resort ain't it?
10. I did see DA & BQ both practice the exact same pass to Vickers. BQ completed his for a TD. Thats all I'm saying.
11. Lastly, DA had the ball last as the last drill ended and he heaved the ball through the goal posts in disgust after getting sacked. That's what his problem is. He is a competeitor for sure but he lets too much negative emotion take over when things don't go well for him. Not the leadership qualitiy we are looking for.
Here is my take on the QB sitch. Maybe we are one of the few lucky teams in the NFL that has two capable quarterbacks. It's another way of thinking about it anyway.
Go Browns!!!!!!
Posted on Tony Grossi's blog: Cleveland Browns Braylon Edwards shines in first practice on August 05, 2009, 1:35PM

Good News Browns Fans!!!!!!!
DA or BQ? I think we are looking at a better team than last year either way. Fear not for the offense. The running game sounds like it's coming along fairly well. The O-line has more depth & Ryan Tucker back makes them improved. Offense always seems to be a couple weeks behind the defense this time of year. Although, I am starting to bye the hype on Alex Hall. Sounds like we may have a pass rushing OLB after-all. But, eventually the offense will catch up to the D. It just takes more time for the O-line to get it's chemistry (especially when players are being shuffled around due to position battles & injury) & for the QB and recievers to get down their timing than it does for the D to start to gel. Hopefully all the kinks will be worked out before we meet Minnesota. But it will come together.
Go Browns!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on Tony Grossi's blog: Cleveland Browns QBs not scoring in two-minute drills on August 07, 2009, 2:44PM

What a giant DumbA$$!!
All he had to do was shut-up & get a little exercise & he could have kept riding the bench and collecting his check. I hope no other teams pick him up so he can join the real world with the rest of us and see what it's really like workin' for the man.
Believe me Shaun when you grow up to be a big boy and have to hold down a job to put food on the table you are gonna have to keep your mouth shut & do what you're told then too. Only then you'll have to actually work & you won't make those 6 or 7 figures anymore. Idiot!
Something tells me though that he ain't heading for the unemployment line. I think he'll do well back in the thug life or as bouncer somewhere.
Good bye & good riddance MORON!!!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns release defensive lineman Shaun Smith on August 09, 2009, 7:29AM

Dude you are cracking me up. You really got 'em going. Let me see if I can clarify this for you. Mangini has now been appointed NFL commissioner & Cleveland now has two professional football teams just like New York. The Cleveland Browns that DA will QB & the Cleveland Whites that BQ will QB. The Whites are now part of the NFC Central (yes they brought that division back) division. The teams will share the stadium. While one team plays away. The other team plays at home.
Awesome right?
Posted on Today's scrimmage tests entire organization: Browns Insider on August 09, 2009, 7:43AM

Dude? Why ya calling Champs a moron? You're the one that didn't get it and are now reduced to juvenile name-calling. C'mon man. Don't get mad at him just cause he fooled ya. He was just playin & you thought he was stupid but....jokes on you.
Did you know that a persons sense of humor can be used to measure intelligence? Putting it another way, just because you don't get a joke does not mean the joke is dumb.
Posted on Today's scrimmage tests entire organization: Browns Insider on August 09, 2009, 8:23AM

Moses you are hilarious.
Yeah the Cleveland Whites is not very PC. Go back and read the article again. It clearly states that two assistant coaches have been promoted to the head coaching jobs so that Mangini can take over his duties as Commish. Mangini is outta here.
Posted on Today's scrimmage tests entire organization: Browns Insider on August 09, 2009, 8:27AM

Ever notice that BQ is a backward QB?
See. You get that one. Right, Champ?
Posted on Today's scrimmage tests entire organization: Browns Insider on August 09, 2009, 8:38AM

Obviously none of us has anything better to do or we wouldn't be posting comments about Browns & Whites articles at 8am on a Sunday morning. We are ALL a bunch of losers.
It's ok to laugh at yourself.
Posted on Today's scrimmage tests entire organization: Browns Insider on August 09, 2009, 8:41AM

Are any of you BROWNS fans going to the free scrimmage today? If not, why not?
Posted on Today's scrimmage tests entire organization: Browns Insider on August 09, 2009, 8:49AM

I apologize I did not realize you were over in Israel. The team you are reading about plays what you would call American football. We call what you play soccer.
Anyway, I got his "joke" the first time I read the absurd question in his first post. I think he was playing on the fact that all it seems people talk about on here is who is gonna be the starting QB. He was being absurd to see if anyone would bite on it & BAM! You sure did. Now you're all upset about looking like a fool when you thought he was the fool.
O well. Who cares right? Its all in good fun and we are just entertaining ourselves.
Go BROWNS!!!!!! and Whites!
Posted on Today's scrimmage tests entire organization: Browns Insider on August 09, 2009, 9:02AM

Im still holding to the predictions I made in May.
QB depth:
BQ #1, Rattliff #2, DA #3
Browns 11-5 & win division this year.
Go Browns!!!!
Posted on Post-scrimmage transcript: Brady Quinn on August 10, 2009, 11:56AM

I've gone the last few years with the attitude of let the best QB (for our team) start, be it DA, BQ, Frye or whoever. 2007 DA looked great for most the games (but not when it really counted), 2008 he looked awesome in 1 game (monday night against the Giants), 2009 I think it is time to see what BQ can do.
BQ clearly sounds and acts more like a pro on and off the field. His answers are intelligent and articulate in interviews. DA always has excuses and lets his emotions get the better of him too often. It appears BQ has the better leadership qualities and I think the players realize that.
I think I figured it out why Sternfannie and other DA supporters on this forum take to acting childish and name-calling. They are following thier leader. I think I've also picked up on something they most definetely won't admit too.
HOMOPHOBIA. I think they are secretly attracted to BQ but can't say so.
Posted on Post-scrimmage transcript: Derek Anderson on August 10, 2009, 12:55PM

To those of you making jokes about the death of MR. REYES:
What if it was your mom or dad that was struck by a drunk driver while crossing the street to take the bus home from work? Would that be just as funny?
I don't blame the family at all for taking the money. They just lost the man bringing home a paycheck for the rest of their lives. I think they are gonna need it. Putting Stallworth in jail for a longer sentence wouldn't do them or Stallworth any good.
You jokesters are not funny and are just as big an embarassment to us fans as Stallworth is to the players.
Posted on NFL suspends Cleveland Browns receiver Donte' Stallworth for 2009 season on August 13, 2009, 7:40PM

"Romeo Crennel couldn't have said it better."
What the F is that suppossed to mean Tony? I don't think the coach was the problem last night unlike last year.

The problem was again BRAYLON EDWARDS dropping touchdown passes. I am also now officially on the BQ bandwagon. If I see DA on the field again I promise I will heartily Boo my tv. He SUCKS! Get rid of these two bums and get some players on this team.
That being said I think Quinn, Cribbs, and the D (considering thast they probably aren't going to show anything until the games are real) looked good. Espoecially the D-line. Running game was as expected. Lewis looks old and the other two guys can't run up the middle. HUGE problem. Solution. Trade DA for a RB that can take it up the middle & Edwards for someone that can get open & catch. Not real impressed with the revamped O-line either. Get Tucker in there & we really miss Hadnot right now. I don't think Mangini's new guys are the answer. Barton looked like donkey-doo too. CJ Mosley looked good. O well. Just the 1st preseason game but I hoped for a little (alot!)better.
Quinn better start against Detroit & we better dominate the first half. Otherwise, the ticket prices are gonna drop so low I might even be able to afford to go see a real game at the stadium! I guess thats the positive.
Posted on Futility flashback: Mangini fumes as Cleveland Browns show little fire in 17-0 loss to Packers on August 16, 2009, 3:08PM

To those of you wanting to know who is gonna start at QB, CB, etc....
Do you think it would be an advantage or disadvantage for the oppossing team to have that info?
I hope he keeps us all in the dark until opening day. We need to beat Minnesota. I think this team needs every little advantage it can get.
Posted on Cleveland Browns: Eric Mangini Thursday press conference on August 20, 2009, 10:00PM

He is gonna be our leading reciever and returner and scorer this year yet is paid less than some bench-riding rookies. C�mon Mr. Lerner, Mr. Cribbs is everything you want in a player and this team needs in a player. Do the right thing and keep him happy.
Posted on Anderson shows off his arm, Cribbs dazzles as Cleveland Browns breeze past Detroit, 27-10 on August 23, 2009, 10:05AM

To those of you (KingBrown & EYEisPOED)criticizing our new coach because he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do:
Mr. Mangini said he would hold a QB competition and he is doing exactly that. Based on the 2 pre-season games it seems still pretty close to me. Besides who does it benefit to let anyone know now? For all we know he has already made his decision. He may have even let the QB's know already. I do know that it does give us a slight edge to keep our opponents in the dark. Maybe he is just doing it to try and add trade value.
Whatever his reasons I am willing to give him a chance and not start calling him names already. The team looked a hell of alot better last game than they did the first game. That's improvement and thats all we can really hope to expect.
Don't get me wrong. I have my favorite (Go BQ!)& wanna know too. But, I will root for who-ever takes the snaps. You people dying to know who the starter will be right now sound like some impatient children begging to know what they got for Christmas before Santa has arrived. Grow up and calm down. All in due time.
Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns QB competition still very close, Eric Mangini says on August 24, 2009, 7:43PM

I used to like to read the comments here. Occasionally someone would have something half intelligent to say. Now it's like listening to elemtary school recess. "My dad'a cooler than your dad!" "Oh, yeah, well my dad makes more money!" "Well, my dad has a rocket arm!" "Well my dad can control the clock." The QB debate is getting old. I will support whoever it is as long as he scores more points than he gives away. Watch the game & see what happens. Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns afternoon news roundup; Boomer Esiason and Phil Simms weigh in on August 29, 2009, 1:28PM

It is now official to all of us except those that are blindly allegient to DA for some reason. I wanted Quinn to prove himself but ultimately I wanted the best QB to lead the Browns this year. It is quite obvious to most that he did just that tonite. DA showed off his arm and looked like we know he can for a bit & then he did what we know he does. He kills drives. He had a chance after the BQ TD pass to do the same but instead he had to run to the sidelines to get a play again because he can't think on his feet which ate up the play clock. He then had no time to read the defense. saw it like this: "Anderson replaced Quinn with 5:39 left in the quarter and completed three straight passes -- one a 25-yard bullet to Edwards -- while moving the Browns to Tennessee's 38. But the drive was stalled by a sack, false start and incompletion on a ball Anderson nearly had picked off."
I have a theory on why their are so many BQ haters. It's because he is a pretty boy. I say, SO WHAT!? The kid can play and has now earned his chance. He has a better grasp of the game with his 3 starts than than our "pro-bowl" QB. That doesn't say much for DA. I like DA & he definately has a great arm but I think at this level it takes more than that. Quinn's arm has not looked bad at all and he also has the intangibles like on-field-leadership, defense recognition, and I think more passion for the game and this city. The QB CONTROVERSY IS OVER for everyone except the DA die-hards. I think DA looks good enough to be very valuable as a trade but BQ looks better. And not just in GQ.
Now that that's over, how about the rest of the team? I agree with everyone that says Davis looks like a great pick. He definately seems to look like our new 3rd down back if not more. The new WR's are looking good too. Furrey looks like the new clutch-catch guy. Royal looks like he is gonna be a nice addition. It was nice to see BRAYLON NOT DROP ANY PASS! Awesome! Cribbs is gonna keep defenses on their toes/heels and seems to catch everything sent his way except for BQ's one bad pass of the game. I have said it before, Cribbs will be our leading scorer, reciever and returner this year. The whole offense looked very good.
Special teams looked outstanding and was definately the difference in the game. I think this unit is gonna give us a great edge this year.
The defense still has a few gaps to fill. Our run defense looks much improved. CJ Mosley was all over the field. How about a new controversy? Who is our NT? Rubin looks friggin awesome! Rogers who? Maiava and Hall look like they are gonna be great. Wimbley even seems to be getting in on alot. We still don't have much of a pass rush, but much better than last year. This leads to our deep backs. Rod Hood looks like a weakness and oppossing teams are gonna pick on him when he is out there. Wright & McDonald give us the best shot at CB. We also are having alot of trouble covering tightends. Our linebackers don't seem to have the quickness and our safety's don't have the size. I'm betting Mangini has that fixed by gameday.
I know it's only preseason but I still think the Browns are this years dark horse. Super low expectations, fairly weak schedule, new blood and new energy can lead to big things. I'm stickin with my April prediction of 11-5.
Go Browns!!
btw- what the hell was DA lookin at as the ref ran him over anyway? Obviously wasn't watching the game.
Posted on Brady Quinn wasn't perfect, but he is the best Browns quarterback: Bill Livingston on August 30, 2009, 12:00AM

It's funny reading these posts. Obviously some people are "tick"ed off tonite even though our team won. Are you people really even Browns fans?I'M CALLING YOU OUT OLLIE007. You are either secretly a Pigsturd Squeeler fan or a homophobe and secretly attracted to BQ but afraid to admit it and so instead hold onto your hope DA will start this year so you won't have to be tempted every Sunday by your new QB, Mr. GQ, Brady Quinn. "The new WR's look suspect"?!? You are really reaching dude. Did you even watch the game?
Posted on Brady Quinn wasn't perfect, but he is the best Browns quarterback: Bill Livingston on August 30, 2009, 12:15AM

Ollie007: What exactly do you have against our new coach and our new QB? "Mangenius house of card is falling around him"???? huh?
Tucker needed to go. He was great when healthy but I agree with Runnrround. He seems to be just doing enough to keep geting a check these last few years & I think the new guy running things saw through that.
Rod Hood definately needed to go. He looked abysmal against the Titans. Superbowl Veteran or not he sucks.
Posted on With more cuts looming, Cleveland Browns won't confirm OT Ryan Tucker's departure on September 01, 2009, 8:21AM

It's great hearing those names again. That was a team! Sipe to Logan, Rucker & Ozzie. The running attack of Mike & Greg Pruitt. Lyle Alzado & Jerry Sherk stuffing the middle of the D-line. The Kardiac Kids are my first & best memories of the Browns. I remember going with my peewee team up to the old muni-stadium and watching them beat the Packers. Those were the days.
But don't anyone fool themselves. The Kardiac kids didn't go to the superbowl. Neither did Kosar & company. But, I'll take the 4-12 embarassment of last year over no team at all anyday. At least last year we could still say "wait 'til next year". We couldnt even do that for 3 years in this town. As much as the Browns sucked last year, not having a team sucked way worse. Make no mistake the Browns make history every time they play. Some times it's good, sometimes it ain't.
So appreciate what we got & hope for the best every year. I say "we're winning the superbowl this year" every year knowing damn well are chances are always slim. One thing I learned from the Kardiac Kids is the game ain't over 'til it's over and every Dawg does have his day. Remember when Couch beat the Steelers in 99? Remember when DA beat the Giants on Monday night last year?
I won't be surprised if Adrian Peterson runs us over opening day. But, I won't be surprised if Favre throws a couple picks and we surprise them either. Either way I still think we go over .500 this year and have a shot at the play-offs. I picked us going 11-5 back in April & I'm holding to it.
I think a new era of greatness is upon us. Never say never. Anything can happen.
Go Browns!!!!!!!
Posted on This Day in Browns History: Cleveland Browns win 1979 opener in thrilling fashion on September 02, 2009, 10:46AM

Who the hell is Justice B. Hill & who cares what he thinks? "juggling QB's like a clown"??? Please!! Don't quit your day job Justice. So far I've liked everything Manginious has done. I don't need to know who the starting QB is, even though I think we all know now. Even Ollie & Agency know now. We will all know for sure opening day...I think.
I also agree (in spirit) with BATTLEDOG. I don't care what the Browns did last year or what the national media thinks. Every team starts every year with the same record and the same chances of superbowl glory & every team should have one goal. WIN THE SUPERBOWL! I put my money where my mouth is. I got $10 bucks down the Browns win it all this year. I may lose that $10 bucks for sure but if miracles can happen (and they can) well then at +10000 odds, I'll win $1000. Not bad.
I'll make that bet the rest of my life. If I'm lucky, I got 30 or 40 years left in me. I will eventually win my money back.
Go Browns!!!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns morning news roundup: Final preseason game an opportunity to win - or lose - jobs on September 03, 2009, 5:37PM

I think when you start rooting for Romeo again you have really lost your friggin mind. Time for a bowl of soup and nap Ollie.
All I have to say tonite is:
....and the pants.
Posted on Preseason's done (with a loss), but the roster questions continue for Cleveland Browns on September 04, 2009, 3:51AM

Sorry but ol' tippy toes needs to go. He hasn't looked too good since 2007. Am I the only one that saw Chris Jennings Thursday? That kid looks like a beast! Tacklers were bouncing off of him, he had great speed around the corners and nice bursts up middle. He is the real deal. Who cares how much we payed Jamal. Don't keep Jamal just because you already paid him when there are better, fresher legs to be had. If letting Jamal go frees up a spot for it!
Go Browns!!!!!!!!!
Posted on Do Cleveland Browns have RB Jamal Lewis on the chopping block? on September 04, 2009, 6:13PM

I've taken the time to clarify everything for everyone. Remember you heard it here first.
Say goodbye to these guys:
1. B. Anderson-db
2. Lockett-db
3. Poteat-db
4. Abdullah-db
5. Battle-db
6. S. Thomas-dl
7. A. Hoppel-dl
8. Schaefering-dl
9. B. Bell-lb
10. Costanzo-lb
11. Benard-lb
12. Leon Williams-lb (I don't know how last years starter ends up here but he didn't play much)
13. Braxton-ol
14. Hilliard-ol
15. M. Davis-ol
16. Weary-ol
17. Ryan Tucker-ol (no more free ride Tuck)
18. P. Murray-ol
19. A. Walker-te
20. Dante Stallworthless-wr
21. D. Patten-wr (nice seeing you again)
22. Norwood-wr (dropped 2 in a row yesterday & cost us a TD)
23. Lance Leggett-wr (hope he doesn't get snagged up & we can keep him on the practice squad)
24. Hubbard-wr
25. N. Herron-rb
26. B. Ratliff-qb (he has not shown a thing all preseason. I hope Mangini can be objective)
27. Charles Ali-fb (letting him go frees up an extra RB spot)
At least this is my guess as to who will get cut or should be. I really don't know what's gonna happen to Donte or Tucker but we should just let them go. Now we can keep Lewis as more of a fullback & hang onto Harrison, Davis & Jennings.
Here's the stats on our RB's this preseason by player. You be the judge.
Chris Jennings: Keeper!
Rushing- 18 attempts for 63 yards = 3.5/rush
Recieving- 7 catches for 69 yards = 9.8/catch
Jamal Lewis: Mmm. Not so much.
Rushing- 17 attempts for 46 yards = 2.7/rush
Recieving- 5 catches for 35 yards = 7/catch
James Davis: Keeper!
Rushing- 22 attempts for 181 yards = 8.2/rush
Recieving- 6 catches for 38 yards = 6.3/catch
Noah Herron: Not bad but, not enough.
Rushing- 10 attempts for 33 yards = 3.3/rush
Recieving- 2 catches for 19 yards = 9.5/catch
Jerome Harrison: Not much to go on this preseason so here are his career rushing stats:
Rushing- 77 attempts for 448 yards = 5.8/rush
He's a keeper!
I predict 11-5. Go Browns!!!!
Posted on Do Cleveland Browns have RB Jamal Lewis on the chopping block? on September 04, 2009, 9:13PM

BROWNSBLOOD- I say 11-5.
We win division & win the SUPERBOWL!!!
I already got $10 down on it at +10000 odds. With Manster Mind plotting the course & BQ at the helm, we will go far.
As fort the cuts:
We definately should have kept Jennings. I hope we can keep him & Legget on practice squad. We should have kept Bartel & let Ratliff go. Glad to see our most anonymous player (nick Sorenson) is still there. Don't understand why Poteat is still around. Glad Costanzo made the team. Nice to see Leon Williams survived too.
Check out the roster & you will not find Stallworth. Glad to see we aren't wasting a spot on him. When did this happen?
Here we go Brownies!!!!!!!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns make roster moves -- Jamal Lewis and Jerome Harrison are spared on September 05, 2009, 10:47PM

Let me clear this up for some of you. Manster Mind is not "relying" on the secret, nor is it a "key" part of his strategy. It is hopefully just another added egde. I applaud him for trying and looking for every little advantage he can give his team. That does not mean the team sucks because he is doing so. It means that we have a coach that is going to do everything he can to give our team the best chance to win.
As for the reps in practice going to both QB's and them not knowing yet. Are you kidding me? He is just plain lying or "Using deception". The QB's know who the starter will be. They knew before the Chicago game. That's why they didn't play and why BQ was hi-fiving everyone on the sidelines and DA was nowhere to be found.
Some of you Negative Nancy's are a real blast to watch a game with I bet. Good God. They Browns haven't even played a game yet and you guys are already all over the new coach. Would you rather have Crennelephant back? You guys are probably the one's booing our QB's and cheering when they get hurt. Sorry pathetic excuses for fans.
Since you don't already know, a sorry, negative attitude is the attitude of a LOSER. Winners think positive and ALWAYS believe they have a chance to win and act/play accordingly. There has been enough Loser mentality around and on this team for long enough. Check your bad vibes at the door if you make it to a game and leave them out of this forum. Being realistic and being negative are two different things. Some of you guys just like to criticize everything. Where is your support for the team and new regime? Mangini ain't to blame for last year.
Go Browns!!!!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini will keep Vikings guessing about starting quarterback on September 07, 2009, 11:40AM

Read the post I made above about LOSERS having a negative attitude. Now go look in the mirror. I guess life ain't working out so well for you huh?
Now go moan & whine to the four empty walls that surround you. There..there. It's OOOOkay.
Posted on Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini will keep Vikings guessing about starting quarterback on September 07, 2009, 12:01PM

I absolutely agree that we have an absentee owner that cares more about London art galleries than Cleveland football. However, at least he is willing to spend money and does not micro-manage the team. Even if the owner sucks, this does not mean our new coach does. I just think we need to give this guy a chance rather then calling him names already.
I didn't grow up watching Paul Brown's great teams. I grew up with Sipe & the Kardiac Kids. Those and the years with Kosar is the best I've ever seen a Browns team. Last year's pathetic excuse for a team was by far the worst I've ever seen. So far, our team seems much more prepared and ready than they were at this time last year. So for now I am trying to keep the good vibes going. Just doesn't make sense to me to be negative...yet.
Go Browns!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini will keep Vikings guessing about starting quarterback on September 07, 2009, 12:20PM

The green dots appearing on some NFL helmets is a fairly recent phemomenon. Some, like bpacetti, say that the green dots indicate that the helmet is equipped with a communication device for recieving plays from the sideline. If this were the case then the dot on DA's helmet would be yellow or blue since it never seemed to work quite right.
Some of us know the truth. These dots began appearing on NFL helmets in 2007. This is the same year that Bob Barker aired his last episode of The Price is Right. Coincidence? I think not.
I can't speak anymore on this subject here in this forum.
Posted on Mack or Fraley? Center is last uncertain slot in Mangini's offensive lineup: Browns Insider on September 10, 2009, 10:23AM

Well I sure am glad all the BQ bashers had a good day today. As for the rest of us BROWNS FANS, dissappointing but not a big surprise. I thought the Browns looked good for half the game. Jamal looked better than I thought he would. The O-lineseemed to give BQ plenty of time. However, he did look like he was in his 4th start today against a great Viking team. He took way too much time getting rid of the ball. Not sure if the interception was his or Braylon's fault. One of them definately did not go where they should have. Braylon's big first half catch should have been a TD. The usual ref BS on that one. If the defender interferred and pushed him out of bounds, how can it be the reciever's fault for stepping out? Dropped passes and penalties did not help. I was hoping Favre would do us some favors today. That did not happen. I'm sticking with 11-5. This team will only get better and we are gonna look awesome against Denver next week. Bank on it!
Go Browns!!!!!
Posted on Tony Grossi's Blog: Vikings dominate second half in 34-20 victory on September 13, 2009, 4:40PM

Quoting DASAGENCEE. "We don't stand a chance."
You have the attitude of a big LOSER. Could you please stop crying like a big baby that DA is not the starter. If you don't like it you don't have to watch.
iNOTaFAN3. If you are not a fan why are wasting your time posting on this forum when you could be out changing the oil on your cars or something?
Posted on Tony Grossi's Blog: Vikings dominate second half in 34-20 victory on September 13, 2009, 4:58PM

Who the hell is CCWebmaster? What the hell website am I on? Are these guys writing opinion pieces for the PD now? If so I think the majority of us could do just as well. PD get a clue. We all saw the game and critique just as well as anyone else. That isn't news and isn't a story. Posting someone's blog up on your page of what is suppossed to be a nationally respected newspaper kinda hurts the shred of credibility you still have. Doesn't Tony have some more personal attacks on the coach to make? Doesn't Mary have some rumors to drudge up? Where's Bud and his negative drivel? I know there ain't much good to say after Sunday but could you guys find some news to report please? Here are some ideas: How about an interview with DA and how he feels about his new role? How about some reporting on what free-agents may be out there that could help us fill some holes. How about a backround piece on John (false-start) St.clair? How about a scouting report of our next opponent or our division rivals? Anything other than this garbage that you guys have been passing as sports reporting. You guys suck and if I was Mangini I wouldn't want to talk to you either.
Posted on Browns week one react from the Cleveland Sports Blog Network on September 15, 2009, 3:48PM

Here's another idea! How about getting Dandy Randy on the phone and finding out what he was doing Sunday during the game?
Posted on Browns week one react from the Cleveland Sports Blog Network on September 15, 2009, 3:50PM

I just want to thank Terry Pluto for coming over from the Akron Beacon to help out the pathetic souls at the PD. Good Job! Keep it up Terry.
Go Browns!!!!!
Posted on What went wrong for Browns? It's not a short list: Terry Pluto's notebook on September 15, 2009, 4:15PM

I take back everything I said about 11 & 5. This team truly blows. If Mangini still has John St. Clair starting at right tackle next week then he will have proven himself a complete imbecile and another incompetent head coach just like the last Bellicheck cast off we had here. Brady looks horrible! I wanted him to start so we can see what he can do. I've seen enough! Bring back DA!!! This team just has too many old, washed-up, hand-me-down players to be competitive and it is now very obvious. What is not so obvious is why we can't get any decent players to come to Cleveland.
Randy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you?????????
Go Browns?
Posted on Final score: Broncos 27, Browns 6 on September 20, 2009, 7:31PM

Hey PD! Fix the problem with your security certificate! This new format stinks!!!
Can anyone tell me why we ran a QB sneak on 1st & 10? 268 total yards in 1st half by the Ravens. Detroit's 2nd string would beat the team we have out on the field. I used to like watching football on Sundays and having a team to root for. Thanks Dandy Randy!!!
Thanks Manginious!!!! This team is worse than last year, which I didn't think was possible. I've been a faithful fan since the Kardiac Kids days of the 70's. This team is worse than Couch & co. Those games were at least entertaining. I'll admit I wanted to see what Quinn had this year. I've seen enough. He has no arm, no decision making skills, no leadership, and no Right Tackle. He does have great hair. Put DA back in and get rid of St.Clair, Brian Daboll, Hank Poteat & Eric Barton! How do we get a new coach & owner? I've had it! Goodbye Browns. Lemme know when you learn how to score a touchdown and can win a game. Til then...... Go Zips!!!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns receiver Brian Robiskie is sitting again on September 27, 2009, 2:28PM

What is this abomination you have embarassing our city? What is this wretched garbage you are passing off as our beloved football team?
Where are you Randy???!!!!!!!!!
What possessed you to hire this joke of a coach? Was he the right price? You get what you pay for don't ya?
How are you going to fix this? Please do us all a favor and sell this team to someone that understands football & what the Browns mean to Cleveland.
Posted on Carnage on the Chesapeake: Ravaged by Ravens, 34-3, Cleveland Browns leave Baltimore with two QBs and few answers on September 27, 2009, 9:01PM

Tony seems to be enjoying this too much. You are correct Tony. Mangini has no business coaching in the NFL. How much respect do you really think this pudgy guy that never even played college ball really commands in the lockerroom? Nice hire Randy!
This team is done.
Posted on Stunned by early season failures, players struggle to find a winning formula: Browns Insider on September 27, 2009, 9:34PM

Here's what I hope happens....
I hope our absentee owner finally realizes he has no business being the owner of the Cleveland Browns and sells the team, then they move to LA, win the SuperBowl and I just don't give a $h!t anymore.
Posted on Quinn is out and Anderson is in; Browns change starting quarterbacks for fourth time in five years on September 30, 2009, 11:47PM

Well since my wish to not care anymore hasn't completely come true yet here's what I think the Browns should do to keep me interested in the rest of the season. I'm not too interested to see how good we can be this year. That's a bust so I figure we need to focus on player development and entertainment.
1. Change the offensive play-caller now. Daboll has his head so far up Mangina's a$$ he can't see the field.
2. Let Brady finish the year! I know Anderson has a better arm and we may move the ball a little better with him. However, we also know he is a proven interception factory and he proved that again last Sunday. We still don't know what Brady can do with a line in front of him, a running game, effective recievers and without the threat of the big hook when he makes a mistake.
3. Find a RT now! Until we find his replacement, line Heiden up next to him every play.
4. Start playing the rookie wide-outs much more. Get Robiski out there. Re-sign Lance Legget too. Cribbs needs to stick to what he does best (gunner & returner). I still think Cribbs in the wild-cat has alot of potential if they let him throw it once in a while. Unfortunately we still need BE out there to keep the D honest but we all now he won't be here next year. I like Furrey, not spectacular but at least consistently proficient.
5. Let Jamal go. He is finished. I do not think he has the stomach or desire to endure another year like the one we are having. His skills are extremely diminished and it is more important to find a RB for next year. Let Harrison & Davis take their lumps. I'd get Jennings off the practice squad and on the field too.
6. The D needs to switch to 4-3. We don't have the LB's for 3-4. I think our D-line would be one of the best in the League with Rubin & Rogers lined up in the middle and Smith & Williams on the outside. CJ Mosley needs to rotate in more too. Bench every has-been defender we have out there (Poteat, Elam, Barton, Bowens). They are awful and were only brought in to fill some holes and they aren't doing it.
7. The best we can do at LB is Hall & Wimbley outside & Jackson in the Middle. Start playing the Maiva & Veikune in & outside so they can develop and find were they fit.
8. I think we are kinda stuck with DB pretty much the way things are. I'd like to see Sorenson (at least he hits & tackles) & Francies over Poteat & Elam.
Things look pretty grim this year so I hope they at least use this year to get the young guys some experience, develop Cribbs in the wild-cat a bit and convert to 4-3. Maybe even entertain the fans a little. Be creative! Go for it on 4th. G o for TD's, not Fg's. I'm all for letting all 3 QB's take turns all year until one of them steps up and proves he is the guy. Let the player position competitions continue. We need to find our RB,WRs, RT & DBs. I think we have the line & LB's for 4-3 we are just playing the wrong guys.
Unfortunately, Mangina is just going to play whoever he thinks will give him the best chance of winning each game which means playing a bunch of guys that won't be here next year. If he does that I hope he isn't here either.
I'm also all for an updated Browns uniform next year. Let's modernize the colors and uniforms. (It's the only way you are gonna start selling merch again Randy!). I still say no logo but I think it's time to retire the pumpkin heads. This team is not what we used to have in Cleveland and frankly I think they are staining the memories of those teams and don't deserve to wear the same uniforms. We should have came back in 99 with a new look. New look, new attitude, new players..ya never know. Maybe next year.
I blame this all on Ryan Tucker. Why is he getting paid to not play again this year? He is the difference between the team we had in 07 & what we have now. Get out there and play!
Posted on Quinn is out and Anderson is in; Browns change starting quarterbacks for fourth time in five years on October 01, 2009, 11:36AM

I am amending my preseason predictions. I no longer feel the Browns will go 11-5. I do love pre-season, spring-training, draft-day. Always the best times to be a Browns fan.
I now have TEN new predictions sure to come true this Sunday:
1. "false-start, #78, offense"
2. We will kick a meaningless field-goal even though we are losing by more than 2 touchdowns.
3. We will punt the ball with less than 4 minutes left in the game even though we are losing by more than 3 touchdowns.
4. We will NOT run 2 identical goal-line dives from the wild-cat, nor will we run a QB sneak on 1st & 10 from mid-field.
5. DA will throw at least 3 interceptions.
6. DA will be sacked at least 3 times by Robert Geathers.
7. Mangina will stand on the sidelines with his arms crossed and frown.
8. At the beginning of the game the stadium will be full of cheering fans in brown & orange. In the 2nd half the stadium will still be half full of cheering fans in brown & orange.
9. There will be at least one play where the Browns have at least 4 tackle oppurtunities but they will miss them all and allow the touchdown.
Aaaand #10! Alex Mack's arrant shot-gun snap will be recovered in the end-zone for a safety.
Posted on Quinn is out and Anderson is in; Browns change starting quarterbacks for fourth time in five years on October 01, 2009, 4:39PM

October 01, 2009, 5:33PM
Listen moron, you didn't feel the urge to make any predictions before any of Quinn's miserable starts, so now that you've been made to feel like a jilted lover, you're going to try your luck at it now. Just for the hell of it, I copied your predictions so I can throw them in your face Monday morning. Odds are though, that you'll either change your handle or you just won't be here. Pour out your little cup of Haterade and recognize son.
Go ahead & call me a moron over the internet tough guy. Learn how to read bright boy. As I stated in my previous post, I predicted 11-5 in the preseason with a loss to the Vikings, a win over Denver & a split with Baltimore & a sweep of Cincy. (Those would be predictions duma$$!) I recently ammended my predictions & you were kind enough to care & repost them for me. thanx
I was overly optimistic like always in preseason. The problems are a lot bigger in Cleveland than just QB but so far they both SUCK. But, continue on attacking everyone that doesn't have nice things to say about your "man-friend," DA. You really love that "deep ball" he has don't you? You want him to go deep over & over again don't you?
Now get up off the floor & wipe your chin. Please count how many of my new predictions come true this Sunday and repost them all you want. I'll repost them my self:
Posted by kweezy
October 01, 2009, 4:39PM
I am ammeding my preseason predictions. I no longer feel the Browns will go 11-5. I do love pre-season, spring-training, draft-day. Always the best times to be a Browns fan.
I now have TEN new predictions sure to come true this Sunday:
1. "false-start, #78, offense"
2. We will kick a meaningless field-goal even though we are losing by more than 2 touchdowns.
3. We will punt the ball with less than 4 minutes left in the game even though we are losing by more than 3 touchdowns.
4. We will NOT run 2 identical goal-line dives from the wild-cat, nor will we run a QB sneak on 1st & 10 from mid-field.
5. DA will throw at least 3 interceptions.
6. DA will be sacked at least 3 times by Robert Geathers.
7. Mangina will stand on the sidelines with his arms crossed and frown.
8. At the beginning of the game the stadium will be full of cheering fans in brown & orange. In the 2nd half the stadium will still be half full of cheering fans in brown & orange.
9. There will be at least one play where the Browns have at least 4 tackle oppurtunities but they will miss them all and allow the touchdown.
Aaaand #10! Alex Mack's arrant shot-gun snap will be recovered in the end-zone for a safety.
Posted on Cleveland Browns didn't draft LB Rey Maualuga; will they be sorry? on October 02, 2009, 10:25AM

My predictions have been wrong before. I'm here every week (if not every day). I don't change my name. I don't run & hide & snivel like you DA smokers. You all disappearred after BQ was announced the starter. My most recent predictions are meant to be humorous (even though I think most will come true). I also meant my prediction of 11-5 (even though I hoped & thought it could come true) to be humorous. I knew 11-5 was not realistic. The humor being how optimistic & hopeful Cleveland fans can be before the season starts. You DA lovers are quite sensitive when it comes to critisicm of your "man-friend". I would love to see the the Browns beat Cincy but I am being realistic now. I just don't see it happening. Not with DA or BQ. Neither of them will have anytime to do anything as long as we have #78 on the field. As for my preference at QB. I wanted to see what BQ could do. So far he has produced as much as DA. Nothing. I still don't think either QB has much of a chance with the players they have to work with and BQ has not had as many oppurtunities as DA when you count last year. Now go grow a sense of humor & pull the rag out of your a$$.
Posted on Cleveland Browns didn't draft LB Rey Maualuga; will they be sorry? on October 02, 2009, 11:03AM

I agree with all the Jennings backers. I think he should have been signed & Jamal released. I feel bad for Davis but neither he nor Lewis has done anything this season. Jennings may be from nowhere but right now that's exactly where this team is headed. He can only help. I won't be surprised at all if he looks like the best back we have seen so far. He certainly did in preseason. I know, I know, preseason. I just hope they give him the ball a few times. I think he & Harrison could be a nice combo. I also think they need to get Rucker & Leggett back and out there playing. Play all the young guys and let's get them ready for next year. Bench the slow old guys. This year is a bust.
Go Browns.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' James Davis on injured reserve for season on October 03, 2009, 7:20PM

Awesome Tony! Way to look at the bright side of things. I'm actually being serious.
"After Bartel was released on the final roster cut, the Browns sought to re-sign him to their practice squad. A source said Bartel declined because he felt he had beaten out Brett Ratliff for the No. 3 job."
Wow! That says a lot about getting guys to play here in Cleveland. When you can't even get a 3rd string QB to sign. It says even more because he knows what he would be getting into & he wanted nonthing to do with Mangina's Browns. I don't blame him. I thought he beat out Eric's boy, Ratliff too. Ratliff showed nothing in the preseason. Bartel wasn't stellar but he did produce a bit more than Ratliff.
Posted on Eric Mangini's poor start is not the worst in Cleveland Browns history: NFL Insider on October 03, 2009, 7:28PM

I guess all we can do is laugh at this joke of a team right now. Thanks Bud. Way to hammer it home. Keep up the good work. Mangina needs to hear it from you guys. So does DANDY RANDY.
RAAAAAAANDDYYYYY!!!!!!! Where are you!!
This team. No, the people running this team. No, more precisely...Eric Mangini needs to understand that his transparent-posuer attitude of a tough guy, disciplinarian only works if the players first respect you. They obviously don't. Somebody needs to call our art-collecting, soccer loving, silver-spooning, absentee landlord of an owner & tell him that he needs to get a clue & fix this now. Let Ryan finish the year as head coach, fire Daboll & Mangina. Get BERNIE KOSAR in here to call the plays!!!!
"Any coach pretending to consider the long-range priorities of a franchise can't justify that kind of quick hook -- unless his view from the ship deck tells him he has much bigger problems looming if the course isn't quickly corrected."
Nicely said Bud. DA is out there to only maybe provide a spark on offense. He is too inconsistent to be a true starter. BQ has not been given enough game-time. So far he has certainly looked awful but so have a lot of great QB's in their first year. Either way this year is a bust. We know what we have in DA; an inconsistent, interception-factory, cry-baby with a good arm. We don't know for sure yet with BQ because we have only seen him play with no line, no RB, no WR & no play calling. I say bench Braylon. He's outta here next year anyway & his attitude is poison. Bench all the slow old geezers on Defense. Please find someone to replace John (ain't there) St. Clair & line a TE next to him every play until we do. Play the rookies. Re-sign Rucker & Legget. Feed Jennings the rock. Get the Hall, Maiva, Veikune & Constanzo in there to replace Barton & Bowens. Get Fracies out ther instead of Slo-feet Poteat. Let's play this year like it is our practice season for next year.
Go Browns.... & Whites!
Posted on Can Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini remain a leader if no one is following? Bud Shaw's Sports Spin on October 03, 2009, 8:09PM

"Coach Eric Mangini thinks having a plan and sticking to it is imperative"
Hey coach? Please explain how that statement is consistent with pulling YOUR starting QB that YOU just put through a drawn out, heavily documented & analyzed competition after 2.5 games.
Doesn't sound like you stuck with the plan to start BQ too long.
If that plan was flawed how do you know that all of the other plans aren't equally flawed?
Here's a plan. Stop acting like a highschool principal & start facing the fact that maybe your plan to have Daboll call plays was also not so good. How about that plan to have St. Clair as an O-lineman? How about your plan to bring in guys that fit your personality profile rather than a plan to actually bring in good players?
The clock is ticking....I hope. ARE YOU TICKING THE CLOCK RANDY!?!?
Where are you Randy?
Posted on Cleveland Browns night news roundup: Coach Eric Mangini thinks having a plan and sticking to it is imperative on October 03, 2009, 8:38PM

Mary. You are missing the whole point. Who cares whether DA helps us win against the Bengals. The question is now- who is going to help us consistently win games? We already know all we need to about DA. Great arm, bad decisions, weak-minded & inconsistent. We don't know what we have in BQ yet because he has not had a team to play with yet. No running game. No recievers able to run the same route twice (other than Furrey), no offensive line (with the exeption of Thomas), no play calling & no confidence from his coach. DA is gonna play free-wheeling & care-free cuz he has nothing to lose & he doesn't care. This may result in some points for one team or other. BQ was playing afraid to make a mistake because he wants to start at QB for Cleveland. That's saying a lot seeing how Bartel didn't even want to sign with us. You need to "woman-up" and start acting like a reporter and asking Mangina the tough questions Mary. Ask him how pulling BQ is consistent with his theory of having a plan and sticking to it.
Bring it on DA lovers! I hope DA plays well & the Browns win. I never wanted BQ to start up until this year. DA lost the job last year & I only think it is fair to give BQ his fair chance to start more than 2.5 games.
I think the real question for Mangina should be is he making the QB change because he thinks that is what is best for the Browns long term or is the kitchen just getting too hot?
Posted on Analysis: Derek Anderson's quick release may help keep offense on the field on October 03, 2009, 8:58PM

I'm just saying we already know DA is NOT the answer. BQ may not have the arm DA has but I garuantee he has the arm that Farvre has now. He was just afraid to force it. Maybe our recievers weren't open down field? He held the ball too long against the Vikings but he did not have much time at all against Denver (4 sacks) or Baltimore. I don't think he has been given his fair shot yet & I really could not care less what any of the national media types think about it. They are just going to see us as a lousy team in a burned out city anyway until we start consistently winning.
Posted on Analysis: Derek Anderson's quick release may help keep offense on the field on October 03, 2009, 9:29PM

I love the optimism of the writers but I am only confident about my TEN new predictions sure to come true this Sunday:
1. "false-start, #78, offense"
2. We will kick a meaningless field-goal even though we are losing by more than 2 touchdowns.
3. We will punt the ball with less than 4 minutes left in the game even though we are losing by more than 3 touchdowns.
4. We will NOT run 2 identical goal-line dives from the wild-cat, nor will we run a QB sneak on 1st & 10 from mid-field.
5. DA will throw at least 3 interceptions.
6. DA will be sacked at least 3 times by Robert Geathers.
7. Mangina will stand on the sidelines with his arms crossed and frown.
8. At the beginning of the game the stadium will be full of cheering fans in brown & orange. In the 2nd half the stadium will still be half full of cheering fans in brown & orange.
9. There will be at least one play where the Browns have at least 4 tackle oppurtunities but they will miss them all and allow the touchdown.
Aaaand #10! Alex Mack's arrant shot-gun snap will be recovered in the end-zone for a safety.
I also agree with LoneStarBeer. The days of Frank Minnifield & Hanford Dixon are long gone. Enough with the dawgs already. This team plays like a bunch of poodles. This team doesn't desreve to wear the Brown & Orange. So get them new uniforms Randy & sell some merch!
Posted on Tony Grossi's game preview and PD Staff picks: Browns vs. Bengals on October 04, 2009, 10:19AM

Now time to review my predictions:
1. "false-start, #78, offense" ---------I was wrong.
2. We will kick a meaningless field-goal even though we are losing by more than 2 touchdowns. -------------I was wrong.
3. We will punt the ball with less than 4 minutes left in the game even though we are losing by more than 3 touchdowns. -------I was wrong.
4. We will NOT run 2 identical goal-line dives from the wild-cat, nor will we run a QB sneak on 1st & 10 from mid-field.------------I was Right!
5. DA will throw at least 3 interceptions. -----------I was wrong.
6. DA will be sacked at least 3 times by Robert Geathers. I was wrong.
7. Mangina will stand on the sidelines with his arms crossed and frown. ----------I was right!
8. At the beginning of the game the stadium will be full of cheering fans in brown & orange. In the 2nd half the stadium will still be half full of cheering fans in brown & orange. ----------I was half wrong.
9. There will be at least one play where the Browns have at least 4 tackle oppurtunities but they will miss them all and allow the touchdown. ---------I was wrong.
Aaaand #10! Alex Mack's arrant shot-gun snap will be recovered in the end-zone for a safety. ------------I was wrong.
I am very happy to be wrong today, especially about prediction #8. At least the Browns looked like a professional team today. The game was competitive. The Browns should have won. The defense played great. The team showed they still have a pulse. DA looked pretty good today except for the interception.
I give the coaches some credit for making some changes today & trying some new things. Furrey @ safety=great idea. Cribbs in the backfield=great idea. Jennings in the offense=great idea. But ultimately I think it is the coaches that lost us the game too. We should have gone for it on 4th & 10 @ the end of regulation rather than punting or attempting the field goal. The coach was afraid to take the chance & we lost in over-time. Mangina needs to bench Braylon. Nothing but drops, penalties and bad attitude out of him.
Rogers, Massaqua, & Cribbs all looked awesome! Good game Browns. Better luck next time.
Posted on Bengals defeat Browns, 23-20, in OT on October 04, 2009, 6:28PM

bamsterman 100% correct.
BE has always shied away from the big hit & therefore misses alot of catches. He does not like going over the middle at all. I'm not gonna judge these guys for being out partying. I was that age once & had no responsibilties but my self once. I am sure they were all celebrating almost winning. Which is pathetic but that is our Browns. The thing that bothers me is BE obviously was not able to control himself again. He has no self-discipline at all. I don't care what Lebron's little punk buddy may have said. BE is a 26yo full, grown man. He needs to act like one. Plus picking on the guy half his size? C'mon. I can't wait to see BE playing in Detroit next year.
Posted on LeBron James says envy led to Braylon Edwards' downtown attack on event promoter on October 06, 2009, 10:06AM

I'm not ready to jump back on the DA bandwagon yet. We all know that DA is capable of looking like a premier NFL QB. He is also capable of making bad mental errors and killing drives with stupid mistakes. He looked pretty good against Cincy (3-1). Let see what he looks like this week against Buffalo (1-3). He should have a big game. Let's see some consistency. As for BQ, I don't think Quinn has gotten a fair look yet but he hasn't done anything with the chances he's had either. Some QB's never get more than 1 drive to make their case in the NFL. DA is definately the better QB at this point but what are we playing for this year? If we are trying to rebuild then we ought to find out once & for all what Quinn has. The only way to do that is play him. If we are trying to play for respectability this year (maybe even .500 record) then I think DA is the better choice. I just don't see the point in playing for respectability. I think they ought to play this whole year like practice for next year. Let the QB's compete all year. So far DA has earned another start. Play all the rookies. Bench all the old guys. Get Braylon outta here now! He won't be back next year anyway. Re-sign Legget & Rucker & keep handing Jennings the rock. Chris Jennings 1 run for 8 yards. So far I like his average.
I do need to apologize for calling our coach Mangina. I think he stepped up this week and acted like a real coach. Keep it up coach! Don't let this team have a big let down this week. Make sure they remember that game didn't count as a win.
Did anyone else see Clay Mathews Jr. strip the ball from AP & return it for a touchdown last night? Looked a lot like his dad. Why do the Packers have AJ Hawk & Clay Mathews? Shouldn't they be on the Browns? Let's see what Veikune & Maiva can do this week. Massaqua sure stepped up. Let's give Robiskie his shot & please don't tell me his lack of playing time has nothing to do with him being the last to sign a contract this year.
Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns have rediscovered QB Derek Anderson, but failed Brady Quinn - Bud Shaw blog on October 06, 2009, 1:10PM

And another thing. Just to put things in perspective. So far this year the Browns first 4 opponents are 14-2 (Min 4-0, Den 4-0, Bal 3-1, Cin 3-1). Buffalo (1-3) is a team the Browns should be able to beat. If they don't and Anderson fails to score or has trouble with turn-overs I say let BQ try his luck against Pittsburgh.
Posted on Cleveland Browns have rediscovered QB Derek Anderson, but failed Brady Quinn - Bud Shaw blog on October 06, 2009, 1:20PM

Woohoo! Let the rebuild continue. Another waste of roster space is gone. Thanks coach. Don't let the door hit you in the azz Braylon. I'm sure you won't. You'd fall down & drop your suitcase before you'd let that happen.
Posted on Braylon Edwards traded by Cleveland Browns to New York Jets for two players and draft picks on October 07, 2009, 11:09AM

Let's compare the stats so far this season:
Stucki= 11 receptions for 120 yards & 1 TD
Edwards= 10 receptions for 139 yards & 0 TD
Just going by the stats & only considering this 1 player we recieved it seems like a fair trade. When you consider that we got another player, 2 mid-round draft picks & removed a cancer it looks like a great trade. Way to go Browns. Adios butter-fingers.
Posted on Video: Tony Grossi breaks down the Cleveland Browns' trade of Braylon Edwards to the New York Jets on October 07, 2009, 11:42AM

"Name me one player he kept that isn't better than a Brown player that was cut?"
Posted by fldawg1940
October 08, 2009, 10:48PM
I'm gonna say Andra Davis is better than Eric Barton.
Sean Jones over Poteat or Elam.
Winslow over Royal (Although I'm glad he's gone).
Jurevicius better than well...........Braylon's gone now.
Bye Butter-fingers!
Posted on Cleveland Browns' receivers minus a star, but they think that's a plus on October 09, 2009, 12:42AM

We've seen winning teams since the return in 99.
2002- Couch & Holcomb take us to the AFC wildcard where we lose to Pigsturd.
2007- DA chokes when it counts & we miss play-offs despite his leading us to a 10-6 record.
See, we've seen them twice. Twice we've had a winning team here since 1994 when Bill Belichick & Vinny Testaverde took us to 11-5 but lost to the Squeelers in AFC divisional game.
The rest is history.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' receivers minus a star, but they think that's a plus on October 09, 2009, 12:57AM

It seems some of the posters here just like to be negative for negativities sake. You must be a joy to live with. I was calling for Mangini's head after game 3 too but I realize that he is rebuilding not for the quick fix but the long term. He is still trying to figure out who some of his starters are and where everyone fits best on this team. The process is fluid & ever evolving. (Yes, you can use that line in your next press conference coach). I realized after game 3 this year was a bust so the Cincy game was not a big disappointment for me. It was the first good game the Browns had played in a long time. Sure it would have better with a win but I understand it is going to take time if this is to be done right.
After going 3-13 in 1990 the Browns hired Bill Belichick who told Modell it would take him 5 years to rebuild the team. He had us at 11-5 in 4 years. I know our coach may not be Bill Belichick but we all know he wants to follow his blue-print. My point is Modell was willing to give him 5 years to turn things around. It's gonna take some time people. I know we have all been waiting for a winner in Cleveland for a long time but I'd rather have a great team built from the ground up that can last rather than a quick-fix, flash-in-the-pan season that won't. I'm all for him cleaning house. Good riddance butter-fingers. Sure it probably makes us a bit weaker this week but in the long term it was the right thing to do. BE was gonna be gone next year anyway.
I'm looking forward to watching the new guys win or lose. I for 1 would rather watch a bunch of no-names go out there every week and play their hearts out and lose than watch a bunch of prima-donnas half-azz it & win. Maybe that's just my mentality from being a long time Browns fan but I want to be able to root for the players on this team. I have a hard time doing that when I hear about bar-fights @ 2:30am, going 120mph on the highway & killing people while drunk driving. I'd rather lose without guys like that.
After further review (despite what I myself may have said to the contrary), as bad as we looked after the Baltimore game we still didn't look as bad as we did at the end of last year. That was bottom folks. I think we will see gradual improvement week by week with some set-backs and hurdles along the way. After last year this team needed a major over-haul & that is what it's getting. The coach may not have all the pieces yet & is still figuring out where some go.
As for the whole DA v BQ thing. Please give it a rest. I think I speak for a lot of people that are neither "Quinnbots" or DA-lovers. We all know DA is capable of being a pro-bowler. We all also know he is capable of mental errors and has trouble with consistency. We didn't know what BQ could do & felt it was time for him to get his shot. I am ready to say he had his shot & blew it & wish him the best if he gets another chance. He seemed afraid to throw the ball & proved a lot of his critics right. Who knows? Maybe he just needs more time but as of right now DA is our QB so that's who I'm rooting for to help turn this team around.
Go Browns!
Posted on Transcript of Thursday news conference with Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini on October 09, 2009, 10:19AM

Does anybody know exactly what Edwards said to get Ryan all riled up? Maybe Ryan is just trying to goad Edwards into throwing more. I just watched a video interview from Wednesday of Trent Edwards. When asked how he felt about the upcoming game he said with bright eyes and big laughs, "I'm very excited, aren't you." I think the Bills might be taking the Browns lightly. I hope Ryan backs up his smack talk & the Browns prove Edwards wrong.
Posted on Cleveland Browns defensive coordinator Rob Ryan calls out Buffalo Bills quarterback Trent Edwards on October 09, 2009, 3:54PM

Posted by wcwoofer
October 09, 2009, 3:51PM
Ryan looks like a bigger freakin' PIG than Mangini.
His record speaks for itself - at Oakland and HERE! It SUCKS both places.
And this guy would work for minimum wage at a surf shop or a burger stand if his Dad wasn't Buddy Ryan. Another Browns JOKE!
Why our team, Lawd? Why us? Why the trials with this continued line of morons and idiots? Isn't it Pitssburgh's or Baltimore's turn for the next 40 years? How long must we endure this stupidity.
Posted by wcwoofer
October 09, 2009, 3:53PM
Go Ryan.....go back out west!
Take Daboll and ManGoofBall with you!
Looks like you stopped enduring already, Bronco fan. Are you criticizing Ryan because of his weight, his record or because his dad is Buddy? Either way, it's all irrelevant. What exactly is it about his defensive scheme that you don't like? Don't blame him for lack of talent. He shouldn't have to teach how to tackle at this level. Why don't you take your Bronco helmet over to the Bronco boards.
Posted on Cleveland Browns defensive coordinator Rob Ryan calls out Buffalo Bills quarterback Trent Edwards on October 09, 2009, 4:07PM

To all the fans that didn't understand how anyone could see any positives in the Cincinnati game because it counted as a loss; did you see all the positives in the win? I thought the Cincy game was much better offensively but I will take an ugly win anyday.
As for the DA haters and people that want to run Mangini out of town: sure their may be better QB's out there (Quinn has not shown that he is) & better coaches, but these are the guys in brown & orange right now so that is who I'm rooting for. We all know the real problem is the guy carrying the purse, eating crumpets & drinking tea over in England somewhere.
I'm not gonna be critical or complain today. The Browns broke a 10 game losing streak. Congratulations. Now beat Pittsburgh!
Go Browns!
Posted on Lost in a desert of defeat, let's not question how the Cleveland Browns found an oasis in Buffalo: Terry Pluto on October 12, 2009, 8:24AM

Woohoo! A win is a win. The Browns are no longer the worst team in the NFL. Tenn, KC, TB & St. Louis have yet to win a game. We are now just as good as Miami, Buffalo, Oakland, Carolina & Detroit who also only have 1 win. Go Browns!!!!!!
Interesting news on the new PD format & the comment police here:
I just registered over at the Akron Beacon. The first story I read over there has never been spoken of here (i'm sure it will be soon though). Did you know Davis' season-ending injury occured in practice playing without pads against a line-backer in pads. Check it here:
Posted on Talk Browns with Tony Grossi today at noon on October 12, 2009, 10:02AM

Posted by biggus8
October 16, 2009, 2:29PM
Browns don't pay and Free agents will not come? Really. In spite of the fact that over the last ten years they have signed more FAs than just about any team you can name? Please can the hyperbole. If every time a guy outperformed his contract they got a new one there would be no room for adding FAs. You cannot have it both ways.
Can you name 1 free-agent that the Browns have aquired that is worth anything? The only "talent" the Browns will be able to attract are the washed-up, has-beens that noone else wants like we have been seeing come here lately. How about that John St. Clair? What a deal!
I don't think Cribbs is asking that all the team's contracts be re-worked, just his. He is a special player and professional teams often make exceptions for special players. He is not only a stand out on special teams but also (for better or worse) a starting reciever. His contract was written & signed when he was just a special teamer. If I exceed performance expectations and get more responsibilties put on my plate at work I also ask for more money. If I don't get it I will look for employment that pays me fairly.
The bottom line is, at the end of last year Cribbs says Lerner told him his contract would be "taken care of." The new management came out and basically called him a liar by saying the conversation never took place. If I were Cribbs I would be upset about the situation too.
I applaud him for handling it professionally so far but you know the deal his buddy Braylon got and how he got it can't be far out of his mind.
Browns fans: Please stop buying the merchandise, tickets and supporting the sponsors of the Cleveland Browns until the start providing a product worth the money. That means being a consistent play-off contender.
Good luck Josh. Go Browns!
Posted on Agent for Cleveland Browns' Josh Cribbs says pay him or trade him on October 16, 2009, 3:45PM

Hey Daboll! Why not just let Lewis call the plays?

"He wasn't, you know, 'Hey, I want the dang ball,' or anything like that. He was, 'Hey Dabs, let me get this one.' I could feel it on him."

We can just hand him the ball every play, watch him tippy-toe around and hope he gets 4 yards.
The offense & Daboll are a very unfunny joke. I don't get it. They made the switch to DA out of desperation. Any plans they had for this offense have gone out the window. They are now flying by the seat of thier pants. I don't think they have the nose up yet.
Posted on Browns offensive coordinator Brian Daboll disputes rift with Brady Quinn: Browns Insider on October 17, 2009, 9:27AM

I don't know what I can't stand more. The pathetic non-throwing, non-tackling, non-blocking, non-running, non-catching & non-caring Browns or this friggin' new format on this website that doesn't allow you to post half the time or puts the post in the wrong spot or mysteriously deletes the post after you finally post it.
As for what the problem is with the Browns- Everyone's right! It isn't one thing that needs fixed it is every single thing. This year is a bust & DA ain't the answer. Anybody that doesn't know that hasn't been watching the last three years. Put Brady in to see what he has or trade him please. Lewis needs to sit as well. Let Harrison & Jennings develop. Play the rookie LB's as well. I'm glad to see the rookie wide recievers finally playing. Let's see what they have & let them learn this year. Needed asap is 1 right tackle & 2 cornerbacks.
Your thoughts Randy?
Posted on Cleveland Browns' failures in Pittsburgh just a dull, repeating echo to fans: Terry Pluto on October 18, 2009, 9:43PM

Agreed. The QB thing is real old. We're all Browns fans here (well, most of us) no matter our preference for QB. DA is the guy right now so GO DA! If Brady ever gets in again I will root for him too.
Posted on Cleveland Browns flu bug stabilizing; two players have Influenza A on October 22, 2009, 11:19AM

Josh. Not, that I condone rooting for the opposition but the fans are the ones that ultimately pay you. It sounds like they we're expressing how hard it is to root for this team anymore. We want a winner! We have been waiting since 95!!!!! Things are only getting worse and things are getting very desperate for the loyal that remain. The number of us grows fewer each week. A meesage needs to be sent to Mr Lerner and I think those fans may have been trying to do that. We are tired of wasting our time, energy & money on the product this man has been selling for quite some time. The product is faulty and it needs to be recalled. The pain you felt when those fans cheered for the Pack is the same pain we fans feel watching our team miss block after block, pass after pass, tackle after tackle, catch after catch and opportunity after opportunity. I think empty seats would be a better form of expression but I sure ain't gonna criticize them. I'm sorry you are stuck playing with some of the sorry talent around you. I hope you do well if you decide to leave. You are one of the very few bright spots this team has had since they returned and I hope you stay but you gotta know things need to change in Cleveland. Go Browns!
Posted on The flu may have passed, but the Cleveland Browns still look sickly in 31-3 pounding by the Green Bay Packers on October 25, 2009, 8:09PM

This team will suck no matter who takes the snaps. It will be hard to move the ball with only half an O-line, no wide-outs, 1 slow old running back and a defense that looks like it is playing not to get hurt. That being said, lets see what are other sucky QB's look like for awhile. Ya never know. If Brady gets more than a half-hearted shot against something other than 2 teams that are both undefeated (nearly) & let him play for awhile he might prove to be better than DA as hard as that might be to imagine. We all know this won't happen until after the bye week when he won't be able to have his 70%.
Mangini is proving himself to be the great pretender. He can talk circles around a question & lie straight in our faces but it is sure looking like he can't pick out talent when it comes to coaches or players and he sure doesn't know how to motivate his team to perform. What can he do? Oh yeah, penalties are down.
And another thing; where is Chris Jennings? Where is the wildcat? Direct snap to Cribbs every play! Where is the heart of this team? Where is the effort? I guess it all got traded away or is sitting on a bench. Where is Randy?
RANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Posted on Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini says he's sticking with Derek Anderson on October 26, 2009, 8:16PM

Are you having a good time? It sure sounds like it you pathetic douche. Only you could be happy right now cuz your man-freind is the starting QB for the worst team in the league and at the same time call the rest of us actual Browns fans "so-called fans". If you were an actual fan you would be just as frustrated at the state of the TEAM as the rest of us instead of gloating that DA is the starter and calling names to anyone that mentions Brady Quinn. "Quinnbots" what is that? Is that implying that Quinn fans are robots? If that is the case please take a look at yourself. You defend DA no matter what he does. You reflexively insult Brady Quinn and his supporters at the mere mention of his name. Dude you are the mindless robot. I'm gonna start calling you THE ANDERDROID.
Posted on Cleveland Browns afternoon news roundup: Brady Quinn sitting no matter how much Derek Anderson struggles on October 28, 2009, 5:42PM

I feel bad for these guys as much as I can feel bad for guys living out their dreams and making 6 & 7 figures a year. I know they want to win. I am sure they are all trying very hard. The problem is they have very little talent compared to the rest of the league and the coaching seems to be unable to adjust during the games and from week to week. Daboll's play-calling is horrible. Ryan's mouth & hair are impessive but his defense seems to be afraid to tackle.
Posted on Cleveland Browns: Wednesday open locker room quotes; Josh Cribbs, Hank Fraley, Brian Robiskie, Eric Wright on October 28, 2009, 6:02PM

The reason those of us that would like to see Quinn back in there is because we want to see what is best for the team in the long term. We understand BQ has started only 6 or so games since he has been in the league and may look just as bad as DA when he gets in there. He is undoubtably a bit rusty. He has the same awful support cast & coaching DA has around him. We know it may not look good. We also know we have had enough of DA. As you say DA may give us a better chance to move the ball or improve the team in the immediate future. We have seen the future. We saw what DA did last year. We saw him in the Bengals game in 2007 as he single-handedly dashed us from the playoffs. We've seen his bad decisions, his stumbles & fumbles, his interceptions, his inability to read and adjust to defenses, his inability to adjust the velocity on his throws and his tired, sad-sack attitude long enough. We've seen enough of DA. Most of us knew this season was over the minute DA was thrown into the Baltimore game. It was obvious then that the coaches really didn't mean to give BQ a fair shot. The coaches are looking for a quick fix to cover their butts. They don't care about next year because they aren't even sure they will be here. The true Browns fans know this year is a bust and just want see what BQ can develop into if anything. We don't know if he is the answer yet either we just know DA is not.
I personally wish the Browns would just play all the young guys all year and let them get ready for 2010. If we can't get to the play-offs who cares if we win a couple more games playing old, washed-up players that won't be back next year? Contrary to your polarized world-view most of us are neither "Quinnbots" nor Anderdroids. I could care less who the QB is if the Browns are consistently winning. As for who the players want at QB, who cares? It ain't their decision. They aren't the ones that have been rooting for this team for years/decades. They should also want what's best for the team but reality is that most players just want what is best for them. If I had to venture a guess as to why they don't like Quinn (if that is indeed true) I would guess it is a combination of jealousy & politics. He makes more $ than most players and he doesn't even play and he is openly Republican on a team that is most likely (if we look at the racial demographics) predominately Democrat. Maybe Quinn is an arrogant prick. I dunno. It doesn't matter. He needs to get in the game and play out the year so we can make a truly educated decision regarding our QB situation next year because I really doubt a lot of those players that don't like him will be around next year either (Sean Smith). Anyway this isn't about Quinnbots vs. Anderdroids. This is about doing what is best to bring a winner to Cleveland. Pointlessly playing DA is not in Cleveland's best long-term interest. Since that is supposedly Mangini's decision I hope he takes his Jet hand-me-downs and hits the road.
On a side note: What do you do when DA no longer plays or starts for the Browns? I know you disappeared at the beginning of year when Quinn was starting. You were quiet as a little mouse. So do you root for another team then? Say Da gets traded for a 7th rounder, do you go root for the team he gets traded to?
Posted on Cleveland Browns afternoon news roundup: Brady Quinn sitting no matter how much Derek Anderson struggles on October 28, 2009, 8:36PM

Great article. We got to read Mangini spew about the Bears and answer a couple softballs questions. Don't be afraid to ask the tough stuff Tony. You talk enough smack about him when he ain't around I'd expect you to have something a little pertinent to ask the man face to face than, "if he thinks Green Bay kicked the ball out of bounds so Joshua Cribbs couldn't return it" or a couple questions about Fraley and Hadnot. C'mon Tony! Show some cajones!
"With the fans clamoring for Brady again, DA's abysmal numbers and most importantly lack of wins, how do you justify to the fans continuing to play an inneffective quarterback when all that you saw of Quinn who had only started 3 games prior to this year is 10 quarters against 3 teams with a combined record of 15 & 4? How do you justify to the fans that have supported this losing team for years keeping Quinn on the bench when you had previously stated that you would stick with the starter you picked and when you had previously stated you put DA in just to provide a spark? Didn't you expect Quinn to look rusty and that he may need some time to develop? Don't you think it would be wise to see what Quinn has this year so that you can make an educated decision regarding QB next year?"
Posted on Cleveland Browns: Eric Mangini Wednesday press conference on October 28, 2009, 9:24PM

"Yes, and really I'm looking to get down there more often to increase the averages of getting in."
I am so happy to hear he would like to get into the redzone more often in order to increase our chances of getting into the endzone. How profound.
I would just like to add that I would like to see us with the ball more often to increase our chances of getting first downs an therefore increasing our chances of moving into the oppositions side of the field which may in turn give us a better opportunity to approach the redzone.
Posted on Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini's press conference on October 29, 2009, 6:30PM

I have to imagine this is just what was envisioned when they put the whole ticket license policy in place. How else are they gonna keep selling tickets during years when the product is garbage. Tell people they will get a better seats next year! Glad I couldn't afford to be such a sucker. The corprorate friendly, family-oriented atmosphere kind of goes against the whole blue-collar, blowing off steam environment you would expect at a Cleveland Browns game. It's almost nauseating and to hear of these paid goons throwing people out for getting too loud or obnoxious is just ridiculous. That's what a football game is for! But I guess their are far more fans working in ties and khaki around Cleveland nowdays than in hard hats and jeans. I'll continue to stay at home & watch on tv or listen on radio where no one can toss me out & I can be as loud and obnoxious as I want. When the games gets to hard to take I can just turn it off knowing I've lost nothing but a bit more of my time.
Posted on Protesting the Browns seems laudable, but what's really in it for the fans? Bud Shaw's Sunday Sports Spin on November 01, 2009, 8:25AM

Well I sure hope you are right about Quinn and Jennings getting on the field. It seems only the Anderdoid and Mangini haven't figured out that DA is inconsistent at best and awful at worst. The actual Browns fans who have been watching him for the last 3 years know that. We need to see what Quinn can do in order to make a informed decision on next year. This year is a bust. Play out the season with evaluating & developing talent as the main goal. Develop the wildcat some more too. The run games needs all the help it can get. Bring on Jennings. Play to win of course but with the players we drafted. Bench the old Jets please.
Posted on Terry Pluto's Talkin' ... about QBs and other Browns challenges, and a good role model for Manny Acta on November 01, 2009, 8:45AM

"You QUINNBOTS are on a par with the birthers as far as your conspiracy theories go. Get a grip. Quinn is a bum who''ll NEVER be under center for the Browns again." - Posted by DASAGENCEE on November 01, 2009, 7:05AM
Even with $11 million as motivation to keep him on the bench and only 3 minutes left in the game, DA finally managed to suck so horribly bad that Mangini put Quinn back in as a sign to the fans that the DA era is now officially over. Amen. The only good thing to come out of that game. See ya Anderdroids!!!
Posted on Final: Chicago Bears 30, Browns 6 on November 01, 2009, 4:45PM

I keep searching for a defense for Mangini because I really don't want to see another rebuilding year next year but I can't seem to find one. I was gonna say that at least he is willing to change QB's. He pulled Brady for DA & now I thought it appeared he pulled DA for Brady but he comes out & says he was just getting him reps. Well if that's reps for prep against Baltimore I guess it's ok but why can't he just say he had seen enough of DA and it was time to get Quinn back in. He is so secretive and deceptive. I bet a real pain to work for and it shows that the players dislike him. We will never get quality personnel here with him as coach. So if you are wondering what to do Randy, Boomer has some ideas. I think if Mangini has any sense he ought to be looking for a new playcaller asap, keep Quinn in and hope for the best the rest of the season. The writing is on the wall. He's got 8 more games to get this thing turned around or he is gone and it is back to square 1. Which at this point is probably a step up. Maybe we can get a coach that knows what to do with all of those draft picks we are gonna get. As for Randy. Well...hopefully Bernie can guide him.
Posted on Anger boiling over as Cleveland Browns take another pounding, 30-6, from Chicago Bears on November 01, 2009, 9:40PM

"To me, I think this is my last year. I think this is it. Honestly, the way this looks, you know, I had a good run. Period. Point blank. I've done what I needed to do." - Jamal Lewis
Is it me or is that the sound of an offensive captain quitting on his team. Oh no! No more tippy toes dancing in the backfield. Put a fork in him cause he's done and he says what he means. Finally we might get to see Jennings. Jamal you acted like you were doing us lowly Browns fans a big favor just by being here the whole time you've been here. I won't miss you. To me you'll always be a Raven.
Posted on Frustrated Jamal Lewis says this is final NFL season: 'I've done what I needed to do' -- Browns Insider on November 02, 2009, 9:29AM

Just look at that picture of Mangina up there screaming. What does it say to you? Does it say, "Oh crap, coach is pizzed, I better hustle, get my head in the game & hit someone?" Does it say, "Shut up ya Eric Cartman look-a-like, who are you who has never played the game or accomplished anything on your own yelling at?" Judging by the play of his team, I think the latter. I know it seems over-simplified but I think it may be just as simple as the players don't really respect him. That's probably why he has gotten rid of all the talent we had on this team. He is incapable of dealing with NFL size personalities with talent enough to play elsewhere. The only players he will ever be able to bring in are rookies and washed-up free agents. No real impact players will ever want to play for him and he probably wouldn't want them anyway out of fear they may challenge his fragile authority. We have no hope with him as coach for that reason alone.
Posted on As Cleveland Browns slide further from competency, the coaching questions increase: Bill Livingston on November 02, 2009, 10:05AM

To all the fans that plan to "protest" by showing up late to your seats Monday night, I just have one simple question: What are you trying to accomplish? If it is just to get media attention and therefore Lerner's attention then great, mission already accomplished. Is it to get Lerner to sell the team? If so, be careful what you wish for. He is aloof and has made some bad hiring decisions but the threat itself has gotten his attention and he appears to be trying to do.....something. If it is to get Mangini or Daboll fired you will have to let the powers that can do that know somehow. So lots of signs should also be made & displayed at the game indicating what specific changes you want to take place. Otherwise, it will just look like just a bunch of fans having a tantrum. Sure, we are frustrated and angry over this season and lack of winning seasons in the last 10-11 years. Very understandable to everyone around the league. But protests are suppossed to try and accomplish something. Now that it has been threatened it must be done. I just think the "protest" needs some focus now. What do we want to see happen? Here are some signs I would like to see in the stadium Monday night.
More creative play-calling please! I mean FIRE DABOLL NOW!
Bench St. Clair!
Where's Chris Jennings!
We never liked you anyway Jamal!
We want shiny new uniforms!
How about some cheerleaders?
The beer costs way too much!!!!!!!
Go Rookies!
A little humor never hurts anything. It's not like this "protest" will seriously change anything anyway. If you really want to make a statement- don't show up. Everyone knows the seats are already sold so not using them would make a much bigger statement than just being tardy. I'm just not sure that this "protest" isn't gonna make Cleveland and us fans look like bigger fools than we already do. Who appointed the French Fries as leader of the Browns fans anyway?
Posted on Cleveland Browns owner Randy Lerner to meet Tuesday with fan-protest organizers on November 02, 2009, 1:56PM

Our absentee landlord of an owner is ultimately to blame. He signs the checks. He made the hasty hiring decision that brought this disaster of a coach to town. Now he shows up after hearing his house is burning down. Better late than never I guess. Fire Mangini now! No respectible player will ever want to play for him. He is unwilling or incapable of making the tough decisions. He should have named a QB and stuck with him. He should have relieved Daboll of play-calling duties long ago. He has purged the team of every play-maker it had (except for Cribbs) and replaced them with back-up players at best. He has ruined the psyche of both QB's. He has no people skills or leadership qualities. He has no skills evaluating talent. Why did you hire this guy Lerner? It appears now that prior NFL head-coaching experience and a Cleveland connection as a ball-boy is all he had going for him. I hope who ever Lerner brings in, the guy has the authority to fire & hire a new head coach. When is Mangina gonna announce the QB for the Ravens game? Is he gonna have both QB's share reps in practice again so that neither is fully prepared? Make a decision already!!!!
Posted on Who's responsible for the 1-7 Cleveland Browns? Take our poll on November 03, 2009, 11:29AM

I think the main reason the Browns want local guys is because they are slightly more likely stick around through the trying times like these than guys who have no connection here. Right now Chambers would be a welcome addition (local or not). We certainly need all the help we can get at wide-out & I doubt he is any worse than the "starters" we have now.
Posted on Bedford High graduate Chris Chambers available if the Cleveland Browns want him on November 03, 2009, 4:51PM

"Quinn will never take a snap as a Brown again, yadayada..." -as spoken by the Anderdroid.
Oh Yeah! Why don't you go process DA and Mangini's packages some more.
Posted on Cleveland Browns head coach Eric Mangini's Tuesday press conference: a transcript on November 03, 2009, 5:14PM

"I think that everybody who's here right now is contributing to the things that were doing now"
That's the friggin' problem genious!
Posted on Cleveland Browns head coach Eric Mangini's Tuesday press conference: a transcript on November 03, 2009, 5:16PM

Excellent suggestions! I'd just like to add that we should also replace the steaming sack of festering dung we currently have as a right tackle with a football player. Fraley & Hadnot should be playing on the right side. Get Chris Jennings in there running the ball. Lewis is slow and just quit anyway so put him on the bench. Play all the rookies. They can't do any worse than the old Jets we have playing right now. Even if they are worse, who cares? At least we will know what we have and the players will get some experience for next year. Go Browns!
Posted on Cleveland Browns head coach Eric Mangini's Tuesday press conference: a transcript on November 03, 2009, 7:10PM

He was fired because his responsibilites included having final say on bringing in personnel. Have you seen the personnel we have? He was fired because from the moment he got here he has done absolutely nothing but keep quiet & defer to Mangini. He was fired because Lerner probably got tired of giving a check to a guy doing absolutely nothing. He was fired to send a message to the fans that people will be held accountable. He was fired to send a strong message to Mangini- "You could be next!" I think Lerner is looking to Mangini show some sack and make a similar move by firing Daboll. If Mangini does not do something drastic to improve this team quickly I think he will be next. The sooner the better as far as I am concerned. No players of any quality will ever want to play for him. His rep is pure dung. He still hasn't named a QB to start aginst Baltimore! Make a decision and name a QB already so they can start practicing please!!!!!!!!!
Posted on Owner Randy Lerner should not have blamed George Kokinis: Cleveland Browns morning news roundup on November 04, 2009, 9:35AM
Sorry about the injury Barton but we need to get the young guys playing time anyway. As for Jamal well, talk about a big baby. He's not having fun this year and he has fumble and then it's all the sudden, "I'm retiring." An offensive team captian just quit. He needs to ride the bench and stop stealing reps from Harrison and Chris Jennings. There's some good news. We are improving already.
Posted on Neck injury could end season for Eric Barton: Browns Insider on November 04, 2009, 9:51AM

Here's how the story finally ends: DA goes on to choke against Cincy in a game that would have clinched the play-offs for the Browns. The season ended as it almost always does. No division title, no wild-card, no play-offs. 10-6 just not quite good enough in 2007. There are million better games that could have been re-hashed. I'm not quite ready to re-live the golden years of DA, Edwards & Winslow.
Posted on This Day in Browns History: Winslow, Anderson lead victory over Seattle on November 04, 2009, 10:15AM

It's the coaches job to make sure the players know what to do.
Posted on To rescue the Cleveland Browns, Randy Lerner must hire a leader, and be one, too: Terry Pluto on November 04, 2009, 10:41AM

Enough already with the process! Enough with moving forward. I am so tired of listening to this guy talk like some corporate middle manager. Talk some football Mangini! Why is this team getting a 4 day weekend? They should be practicing every day. Name a QB already genius! How much time do you waste watching films and discussing areas of improvement opportunity with these guys when they should be on the field practicing plays? If DA is back out there Monday night the little planned protest will be the least of anyone's worries. The Browns are gonna get destroyed on national tv either way. If it's DA under center, the stadium is gonna riot... I hope.
Posted on Cleveland Browns: Eric Mangini Wednesday press conference on November 04, 2009, 4:09PM

I can't wait to see Jamal grace us with more of his 2 yard Dancing-with-stars auditions next Monday night. Please Jamal, don't bother any more. You publicly quit on your team already. Way to be offensive team captain. Retire already then. You are stealing playing time from Harrison & Jennings. You always be nothing but a washed-up Raven to me.
Posted on Cleveland Browns: Wednesday open locker room quotes; Jamal Lewis and Brian Robiskie on November 04, 2009, 5:39PM

That's quite a cast Bud. I dunno about Forrest Whitaker as Romeo or Dreyfuss as Lerner. I'm thin king Cedric the Entertainer as Romeo and Andy Dick as Lerner. Andy Richter as Mangina and Michael Richards as Kosar is hilarious though. I guess all we can do is laugh now....or tune out all together.
Posted on But would this Cleveland Browns TV show be a situation comedy, or just a tragedy? Bud Shaw's Sports Spin on November 05, 2009, 11:25AM

Don't forget stabbing the guy in the back who gave him his first job in the NFL. Mangina is a liar and a rat. No player will ever respect him. He will never bring a winner to this town because no winners will play for him. He has to go now. Monday night protesters bring your "FIRE MANGINI" signs & let Lerner know they got the wrong guy.
Posted on Source tells that George Kokinis and Eric Mangini didn't see eye to eye from the start with the Cleveland Browns on November 06, 2009, 5:42PM

Fans that will be at the Monday massacre; Please show Lerner your displeasure at the product on the field and his decision to keep Mangini. Bring your signs, don't show up, wear purple, or even better- cheer for the Ravens! Let him know that it is his decisions that are losing him his fans (customers/consumers). Kokinis may have been a worthless lame duck but his firing will not effect the play of the Browns one bit. He needs to fire Mangini now and bring in someone credible. Holmgren would be great. Hire him as the coach! It sucks we have to keep going through a coaching change but better now than waiting for what will never happen, i.e, the Browns going to play-offs with Mangini as coach. Get him outta here and start over again. Try to get it right this time Randy. Enough with the Patriot hand-me-downs.
Posted on Article suggests coach Eric Mangini could be next to go: Cleveland Browns morning news roundup on November 09, 2009, 11:04AM

Mangini is an idiot! He still hasn't let the team know who the QB is?!?! What are they doing in practice? Sharing snaps? Please Lerner fire this moron before he scares away Cribbs, Rogers & Joe Thomas if he hasn't already. The guy has no idea what he is doing. He is a weasel and a liar. No player or coach worth anything will ever want to work for/with him. He stabbed the guy that gave him his first NFL job in the back and then throws his buddy under the bus all in a vain attempt to cover his own inept azz. Some of you fans are even more dense than Mangini. The point of playing Quinn is not because it will make the Browns a much better team all of the sudden. It is to make Quinn a better QB and to at least see what he can develop into. Fans worried about saving this year are out of thier minds. Nothing can save this team except another complete overhaul in the office, some impact players at reciever and defensive back, some more help at LB & O-line, a consistent RB and a real commitment to a consistent QB. The point of playing Quinn is to assess him once and for all and maybe get him some reps for next year. We know what DA can do. We have seen him for 3 years. He's had a few good games over those 3 years. The last one I remember was on Monday night in 2008. That's not quite consistent enough. If you are going to the Monday night slaughter at the stadium et Lerner know your displeasure. Wear Purple!
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Eric Mangini will announce QB decision Wednesday on November 09, 2009, 11:27AM

yeah, thats why. It's morons like you that keep buyin tickets to go watch garbage that keep our teams in the toilet. No need to flush while the seats still warm. Now run along and fetch a Jamal jersey while they last.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Jamal Lewis tees off on Eric Mangini's practice regimen on November 13, 2009, 2:16AM

Let me be more polite with my comment to you this time in hopes the holy PD big brother will allow my words to be uttered.
What I meant to say to you Barby is that you should read the article first before you post and make a fool of yourself. If you go and read the article it clearly states:
"Mangini professes to have an open-door policy to allow players to stop in and vent. He also has weekly meetings with the team captains. Lewis is one of the captains. But Lewis said he won't take his complaints directly to Mangini."
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Jamal Lewis tees off on Eric Mangini's practice regimen on November 13, 2009, 2:25AM

"I agree with you Terry, QUINN is indeed an unmitigated bum......I agree, let him play so that I can get out my longknives for each pathetic performance he rings up."
- Posted by DASAGENCEE, November 17, 2009, 3:19AM
The Anderdroid strikes again! First, I don't believe Terry called Quinn that but, I do agree that he played pretty awful. But no worse than I've seen DA perform this year. Still, you have reached a new low even for you. You are now admittedly excited for bad performances from the BROWNS so that you can come on here and gloat about it. As if you have anything to do with it. DA or BQ, I'm rooting for whomever is at QB. You don't seem to care about the outcomes of the games as long as your man-crush DA is in the game. I'm starting to wonder if the real reason DA is on the bench isn't due to a season-ending injury. I think the serious friction burn you gave him with all your heavy stroking now has a staph infection. You better go apply some salve.
Posted on Grim finish to another abysmal defeat underlines Cleveland Browns' plight: Terry Pluto on November 17, 2009, 10:07AM

"a stadium that looked almost as empty as the head of owner Randy Lerner"
Really? I hope you didn't take to long to think of that one Bud.
As for blaming Lerner for passing up Shanahan & Gruden when both had no desire to coach this year is way off the mark. You as a "journalist" should check your facts before you go throwing tomatoes. There are plenty of other things you can slam Lerner for that you don't have to make up.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' final ridiculous play against Baltimore Ravens should be the symbol of coach Eric Mangini's misrule, Bill Livingston says on November 18, 2009, 12:12PM

So it was all Quinn's fault that Cribbs got injured! He either changed Mangini's play at the line to attempt to get a meaningless but badly needed score or the Raven's were seeking revenge for Quinn's hit on Suggs. Either way Quinn is guilty. Both interceptions had nothing to do with the ball's bouncing off the recievers hands either, just bad passes. It's also Quinn's fault their were no pass attempts down deep the field too. He had all kinds of time to pass and recievers wide open down there. Good news though folks, Lebron is gonna be our new QB and Holmgren is taking over as coach. At least that's what I think I've been reading in the PD all week.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Josh Cribbs says Brady Quinn told players 'keep ball alive' on final play on November 18, 2009, 4:51PM

Poor Braylon. I finally figured out what the problem is with him. Everyone and evrything from Ohio hates him and guess where the NFL balls are made. That's right. Ada, OHIO.
Posted on New city, new team but the same old Braylon Edwards on November 23, 2009, 4:27PM

Really Eric? Was that the difference in the game ballboy? Can you prove it? If not, who cares? No excuses. On another note, I think we found a running back in Chris Jennings. Then again, I thought that after the last preseason game when Mangina sent him to the practice squad & kept tippy toes instead.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Eric Mangini suggests Detroit Lions faked injuries and Jim Schwartz says he's out of bounds on November 23, 2009, 8:01PM

Mr. Mangini. For someone that says they want to bring in "character" guys, "guys Cleveland can be proud of" it seems ironic that your own personal character is so flawed. Stabbing the man that gave you your first job in the NFL in the back. Throwing your buddy under the bus to save your own skin. Now calling another old friend a cheater. Quit casting stones. Look deep in the mirror. Do you think Cleveland is proud of you? Do you think your players respect a rat? Cleveland will be proud again when we have "good" players that consistently win football games. Cleveland will be proud again when we start beating the Steelers again. Cleveland will be proud when we get to the playoffs again. We've been waiting 45 years for a championship victory. I've never seen one here and neither have you. I don't think you ever will if you don't focus on your own character first.
Posted on Cleveland Browns' Eric Mangini suggests Detroit Lions faked injuries and Jim Schwartz says he's out of bounds on November 23, 2009, 8:26PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This was fun. Let's do it again?

I don't always agree with you, but I do respect you.
rob AKA odorgod.