Friday, December 4, 2009

Al Gore cancels lecture, Fox spins out of control, cap & trade and the yuan remains low.

If you listen to Faux news they would have us believing that Al Gore has cancelled his lecture in Copenhagen because he is worried about a pending lawsuit claiming he is fraudulent in his global warming claims. Fox neglects to investigate or reveal any conflicts of interest (big surprise) that the organizer of the lawsuit, John Coleman may have. Here is the patty-cake interview.

Ya gotta love that Fox "news" guy interviewing John Coleman, praising the Weather Channel for having "the hottest women"on there and dismissing global warming as just "water vapor." They (John & the "reporter" guy) claim global warming is just a hoax or myth and "bad-science" yet provide nothing to back up this argument other than saying there are some "scientists" that want to sue Al Gore. They do mention that John Coleman is the founder of The Weather Channel but they make no mention of the channel's owners (NBC Universal, Blackstone Group & Bain Capitol) or how they may stand to lose or gain under highly flawed, Carbon emissions bill known as cap & trade. This guy, John Coleman claims to have 9000 scientists wanting to sue Al Gore over supposedly fraudulent claims made in Al Gore's award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. I would like to see the names of these "scientists" and find out where they get their funding. Remember there is no lawsuit as of yet and this Fox "news" interview is only speculation of a lawsuit.

Since Fox refuses to research or report who is behind this supposed lawsuit, I will try to do my best to do so. Bain Capitol was founded in 1984 by 2008 Republican presidential candidate and front-runner for the 2012 nomination, Mitt Romney. I'm just guessing Mitt may have a few motives for wanting to cast dirt clods at Al. Watch Mitt waffle when asked if he supports cap & trade during the 2008 campaign. According to the Bain website, they manage $65B in assets. The Blackstone Group manages $95B in assets according to the NY times. It is the world's largest private equity firm. It's founder, Stephen Schwarzman is America's 50th richest person. I think we all know who NBC Universal is, the giant media conglomerate. NBC Universal is 80% owned by GE and 20% by Vivendi according to it's own website. If I were a betting man I would suspect that these groups or portions of them are behind this supposed up-coming lawsuit and slanderous attack on Al Gore for some as of yet, unknown reason and are using John Coleman is their talking head. He does have that folksy "weatherman" vernacular the folksy folks at Fox seem to love.

It becomes quite convoluted when trying to connect the dots when so many powerful parties are involved. One thing to remember when considering how these players stand to lose or gain under cap & trade system is that most of them are hedging their bets by investing in the Chinese yuan in case it rises while still owing money to China based on a lower yuan. Although GE stands to gain tremendously from the proposed cap & trade system they still have a valuable consumer-PR interest in promoting global warming as a myth. I guess that partly explains why Fox is reporting this "story" and NBC is not reporting it. The connection would be a little bit obvious.

Another thing to look at is how the currency of China will be effected by the cap & trade system. Why? Because many of these large equity firms, including Blackstone are betting against the American dollar and investing heavily in the Chinese yuan. The vast majority of their investments are still in based on the U.S dollar. Here's a good article explaining how the Chinese currency affects the U.S. dollar. Basically, if the value of the yuan goes up, the dollar goes down. If the dollar goes down, the price of Chinese imports goes up and it becomes more profitable to manufacture goods here in the U.S. again. More jobs for Americans sounds good to me. However, this does not sound too good at all to all the banks taking loans from China based on a lower yuan and a higher dollar. Hence, the dilemma. More about the currency dilemma here.

So what does all this have to do with Al Gore? Making global warming appear to be a myth reduces popular support for environmental regulation. Less regulation means more profits for GE and other polluters. That part is pretty simple. If you still believe global warming is a myth I don't need to provide any link for evidence. All you have to do is return to a beach you haven't seen in a few years and it will be quite obvious. I'll bet you money that the beach is a bit thinner and the water a bit closer. It sure was when I visited the coast of North Carolina this past summer. I was amazed that the beach I had last seen about ten years prior had crept a good 50-100 feet inland. It's not just erosion.

I haven't found any smoking gun yet but the shell casings are all over the place. Further investigation required.

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