Friday, December 11, 2009

The Arguments

Let me get my thoughts in order here. The arguments I am going to make go something like this.

1. If the CIA had placed on the president's (JFK) desk as an option, Operation Northwoods- a series of falseflag operations to attack American cities and/or bases and blame it on Cuba as a pretext for war with Cuba in 1962, then it is not out of the question that such an option would exist in 2001.
Read the now unclassified documents directly off the NSA archives at George Washington University here. If this doesn't raise your eyebrows, nothing will.

2. If World Trade Center tower 7 which collapsed in under 7-seconds and according to the official FEMA report, (was not hit by an airplane nor significantly damaged by any falling debris and was along with the collapse of towers 1 & 2, the first instance in history of a "fire-induced collapse of large fire-protected steel buildings") was not brought down by a fire, then other elements of the official story may be a lie as well.

3. If Wirt Walker III (George W. Bush's cousin) was CEO of Securacom (now Stratasec) which was the company in charge of security at the world trade centers at the time and Marvin Bush (George's brother) was a principal in the same company, then ample means & opportunity existed for the un-detected, planting of controlled demolitions in the world trade centers prior to 9/11/01.
Interesting side note: Marvin Bush's live-in, nanny (Bertha Champagne) was killed by her own car in Marvin Bush's driveway September 29, 2001.

4. If tower 7 did not collapse due to a plane crash then the other two towers and Pentagon may not have either.

5. If the attacks did not take place as we have been told then they were not perpetrated by whom we were told.

6. If the "attacks" were not perpetrated by whom we were told then they were perpetrated by others.

7. If the attacks were perpetrated by others then they were performed by others with the means to pull off such an attack involving such sophisticated coordination and logistics.

8. If both Boeing 767s that hit NY happened to be caught on tape in the act and both acts were a complete surprise to the media and public it stands to reason that since the media and public had prior knowledge of an impending attack on DC and ample time to get the cameras ready then there should be some pics or vid of this event. Therefore, since there is no such video or pictures of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon, it did not happen.

9. Since the initial hole left in the Pentagon is not large enough for a Boeing 757 to fit into then, a Boeing 757 did not make the hole.

Many more to come. I am only getting started. Still a big work in progress.

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