Monday, December 7, 2009

It's the same old story, same old song and dance my friends....

According to this AP story Osama may or may not be slipping back into Afghanistan across the Pakistani border, depending on which Obama cabinet guy you believe.

"President Barack Obama's national security adviser, James Jones, said bin Laden, believed hiding mainly in a rugged area of western Pakistan, may be spending some time in Afghanistan..."

"But Obama's Pentagon chief, Robert Gates, said the U.S. has lacked good intelligence on bin Laden for a long time - "I think it has been years" - and did not confirm that he'd slipped into Afghanistan."

Don't you just love the timing of new Osama stories? Always just when a distraction, some fear-mongering or as in this case, justification for more troops in Afghanistan is needed.

There is something I don't understand. Why did the CIA disband the unit dedicated to hunting Osama down, back in 2006, if they were still concerned about him? The unit called Alec Station, formed prior to 9/11/01 to focus on OBL had ceased to be relevent in 2006?

Of course, there are other theories about Osama's whereabouts.

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