Sunday, December 13, 2009

Manifesto- Old letters to the old regime.

I wrote theses a few years ago but other than the fact that Bush is gone, most of it still applies.

It's time to stand and be counted. I am a proud American but, I am deeply ashamed of our government and it's actions. I support the troops but not the war. Nor, do I believe the lies and pretexts used to lead us there. I refuse to buy the scare-tactics and propaganda. I am a skeptic and require physical and scientific evidence before I believe in a theory.

There is way too much evidence to the contrary and lack of supporting evidence to believe the official tale of events on 9/11. I have yet to see one picture of a plane hitting the pentagon or one piece of an airplane in the wreckage. I have yet to hear 1 plausible explanation why tower 7 collapsed or why towers 1 and 2 did for that matter, other-than that they were controlled demolitions. Why did Bush help the Bin-Laden family fly out of the country when every other flight in the country was grounded?

(ed. note: I've actually heard a few plausible explanations for the tower 7 collapse. I think I meant the official story was not plausible)

I believe like every bit of scientific evidence indicates that global warming is a real, man-made, danger that is only getting exponentially worse with every year that passes. This administration continues to ignore the issue, try and suppress the scientific evidence, and exacerbates the problem by shunning the Kyoto treaty and de-regulating industrial polluters.

I also believe that if another country held elections the way we do in this country our government would find their elections illegitimate. We now cast our votes on computers made by corporations that donate to the ruling party. Programs and technicians from the same corporations count the votes. The ruling party decides the rules of how this is done. Non-biased UN observers were not allowed to witness our vote collecting and counting process.

This administration has bullied, lied, and stolen it's way to power. They have cut funding to those that need it most; social programs for the poor, medi-care and affordable drugs for the sick and elderly, public education for the children, and rehabilitation and benefits for veterans. They then have turned around and handed out multi-million dollar tax cuts and no bid contracts to the richest 1% and giant corporations. The only people that have benefited from this administration are the extremely rich and the CEO's of the oil, energy, defense, pharmaceutical, insurance, and banking industries. The rest of us are left holding the bill, paying more for everything and deeper in debt. The aftermath of hurricane Katrina was a prime example of whom our government cares about and whom they don't.

They have committed numerous criminal acts and impeachable offenses. Not the least of which is treason. An offense punishable by death. Our media is too scared, bought, controlled and censored to let anyone know. The Democrats are too powerless, spineless, and corrupt themselves to do anything about it. That being said, I still think the Democrats would do 100 times better of securing our country, being financially responsible, and taking care of those that need it most than the Republicans we have running our country straight into the ground right now.

(ed. note: I would probably modify this statement from "100 times better" to "better")

Before Bush we had a federal surplus and now we have the largest deficit in history. Before Bush we had a democracy and now we are slipping ever closer to a fascist state. Before Bush we had the respect and envy of most people around the world. Now we have their pity and more enemies than ever before. Before Bush Unocal had begged for a US intervention in Afghanistan so that they could put in an oil pipeline connecting Pakistan and Turkmenistan. Now we have Halliburton building that pipeline, our troops protecting that pipeline, and a Unocal advisor as the president of Afghanistan. Bush & Co. in the very least need to have their asses locked in cages down in Gitmo and their kids should be sent to Iraq.

(ed. note: the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline I was referring to is still a work in progress currently financed by the Asian Development Bank. It seems the locals don't want it to be built as badly as the bank does.)

We the people need to show up en-masse on Election Days, November 2, 2006 and 2008 and vote for every Democrat on the ticket. Convince everyone you know and meet to do the same. Don't make it easy for them to steal the next election. With the approval ratings as they are (Bush @ 31 % as of 5/11/06), if the Republicans win again it will start to become painfully obvious to everyone that something is fundamentally flawed in our "democracy". Only then may our frustration as citizens reach a boiling point and trigger the inevitable police-state crackdown. Why do you think the Patriot Act was written before 9/11?

Don’t believe me! I wouldn’t. Do your own research. Use the web while you can. The government may soon be divying up the internet just as they have the other media. Imposing laws and regulations and limiting access to information.
Here's a letter I wrote to my representatives on January 15, 2005. Sadly hilarious.

Your message was sent to the following recipients:
Your U.S. Representative
Your U.S. Senators

I am writing to urge you to oppose privatizing Social Security in any way and to oppose any law that funnels Social Security dollars through Wall Street.

In the guise of reform, Mr. Bush wants to divert a portion of today's payroll taxes and let individual participants invest them through Wall Street. Because those payroll taxes are already being used in part to support today's retirees, some nonpartisan observers estimate that this transition would require as much as $2 trillion in additional Federal borrowing.

The Social Security system is one of the great administrative bargains in history, with tiny overhead costs. Creating tens of millions of additional accounts managed by Wall Street will cost billions of dollars of fees paid to private firms such as Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan and others.

The current Social Security system grew out of the stock market crash of 1929 and the resulting economic collapse. It is ludicrous to create a new system dependent on the very economic forces that made the program necessary in the first place. America's priority should be ensuring that people who worked hard their whole life don't spend their twilight years living in poverty.

Please, at least let us opt out of the portion of the Social Security tax that would be privately invested. It should be an individual's choice to invest. I am very uncomfortable with the way the government spends my tax money as it is. I do not want them deciding which corporations I will invest my money in.

I do not understand the motives behind this push to privatize Social Security. Is this administration trying to relieve the government of having to take care of it's retired citizens with money that rightfully belongs to these citizens, money that they have worked for and earned over a course of a lifetime? Or is it that the administration would just like to take that money and decide which corporations to give it to. Or both? Why don't we just start paying our taxes directly to Halliburton, Diebold or the rest of this administration's corporate cronies? I bet more than a few people up there think that would be a great idea. We basically do now anyway.

(ed. note: turns out Wall Street recieved a nice consolation prize in the form of at least $800B of our tax dollars)

I'm sorry but, I do NOT believe that I should just work my whole life, hand 25% of my paycheck to the government every week and not expect to have any say in how it is spent. Yet, that is how it now is. I don't ever expect to see a dime of Social Security when/if I ever retire. I can no longer trust my government to know better than me what should be done with that money and trust them to do the right thing with it. I will NEVER believe that it is my duty as a citizen to shut my mouth & fall in line.

So, take the little bit of money I earn. Give it to the corporations. Don't spend it on health care for my kids or my parents. Don't use it to feed & shelter the poor. Don't use it on education. We'd all be happier if we were stupid wouldn't we? Put my money in your pocket. Make some more bombs. Go kill some more people. Steal some more oil. Steal some more gold. Fill our planet full of toxic waste & fumes. Burn a hole right through the sky. So that you all can get richer & fatter.

I know these letters are all in vain. This will never be read by the intended readers. If it were it would only provide them with some jeers & snickers. I am disgusted by what my country has become. A country full of ignorance & ruled by greed. So take my money if you must and do what you will with it. There is no stopping you now. God help us all.

I become more and more frustrated with each passing day. Because each day another American dies or is wounded in Iraq. I served in the USAF during the first gulf war and have now come to realize what a mistake that war was. I used the GI Bill to earn a BA degree and after the 9/11 attacks found myself unemployed. I understood our need for retribution and to find the terrorists that perpetrated those attacks. We still haven't accomplished this mission. Yet, the fraudulent regime that has usurped power in this country that I love felt the need to attack another old enemy in the name of “national security.” They invented and distorted any piece of evidence that they could get away with to persuade and scare the American public and the majority of Congress into supporting the invasion of Iraq. If the Bush regime would only come out with the truth and say "we need to secure more resources in order to continue our affluent lifestyles" I may have been a bit more supportive myself. However, this deceiver and manipulator of the truth for his own personal gain, continues to insult all Americans with a shred of intelligence with his lies and half-truths. This spoon-fed, cheerleader, bully, moron used to just be a large embarrassment. He is now the worst enemy that America faces. He has destroyed all of our credibility and fueled the fires of thousands of more terrorist attacks to come. I would like to see him personally bury every soldier that dies in Iraq. It is their blood that is filling his pockets. He has committed the most heinous of atrocities and should be impeached immediately. In lieu of this, I would like to see a truly impartial investigation into the claims the Bush regime made for war.
Karl Rove should be tried for treason. He should be prosecuted and convicted to the fullest extent of the law for high crimes against the United States of America. His willful action caused top-secret information to be released to the public and consequently, our enemies. By allowing him to stay within your administration you are in effect approving of his actions and therefore condoning these crimes. To allow this enemy of the United States to continue on as your political advisor in effect makes you an agent of the enemy yourself. Do you not have any power within your own administration to fire Karl Rove or is it that you were aware and approved of these actions? Maybe you are just so arrogant, shameless, and filled with egoistic power that you feel you don't need to answer to the people you are supposed to be representing and protecting. You should also be tried & prosecuted to the fullest extent for dereliction of duty in the least for allowing this leak to happen. Please, for the benefit of this country turn yourself and Karl in as enemy combatants to the military so that you can be tried by a tribunal and put to the death by a firing squad. God bless America.
Mr. President,
I was surprised and disappointed that you told the Washington Post last week that no Bush administration official should be held accountable for our failures in Iraq. As the situation worsens and more American lives are lost and troops deployed to the region, it's time to stop rewarding incompetence and to start demanding accountability. For the sake of our men and women in uniform and their families here at home, I urge you to start by replacing Donald Rumsfeld. His record of failure and his inability to play it straight with the American people and our troops overseas make him unfit to serve as Secretary of Defense for one more day, never mind four more years.
If you care about restoring our credibility around the world and our credibility with our troops on the ground in Iraq, you've got to start by removing Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. That's why I am joining Senator John Kerry and hundreds of thousands of Americans in adding my name to the petition calling for Rumsfeld's immediate removal from office.
I urge you to act without delay. We can't afford any more auto-penned letters of condolences and shifting stories about what kind of armor we have to protect our troops.
American soliders and their families are counting on you as Commander in Chief to hold those in charge of the war in Iraq to the highest standards.
Mr. Bush, I know you can't really fire your boss so go ask Dick if he can fire Rumsfeld. Tell Dick that he is making you guys look bad. Not only has he done all the above mentioned he also nearly let the cat out of the bag about the plane over Pennsylvania on 9/11. You guys don't want people to start digging into that again do you? I know it is hard to get rid of an administration member that outranks you and hasn't done anything that you haven't yourself. But, it might make you guys look better to the people, the media, & the rest of the world. I know these things don't mean too much to you but for the good of your party you might want to consider it. I know you want your brother to be considered in 2008, right? So, you go tell Dick these things and beg him to help you get rid of
Rumsfeld. We both know it won't make one bit of difference in the world if he stays or goes, so why not make yourself look good.
As if I had not written enough already to earn a spot on some FBI/NSA watch list, there is this gem.........

Dear F%$#-face,
Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You call yourself a Christian? Do you even comprehend your own hypocrisies? I believe that you do. I don't think you are as stupid as you seem. I think you may be a very shrewd deceiver.
I know who you are. You are a spoiled little child. You haven't yet emotionally developed past the adolescent stage. This is not your fault. You didn't need to because you were a silver spoon fed, cheerleading, coward. I understand that you may feel some inadequacies due to never really having achieved anything on your own. I also understand these feelings of inadequacy may have lead you to over-compensate in other aspects of your life. I imagine you may have had to confront some of these issues when you gave up the coke and booze. That is something you can truly be proud of. No one did that for you. You did do that right? I believe you did. I also believe you may have sublimated your desires for the coke and booze into desire for money and power
However, if you are a Christian, shouldn't you be ashamed of allowing our education system to deteriorate and become more expensive? Therefore, indirectly creating more poverty, misery and crime. Shouldn't you be ashamed of profiting from increasing healthcare and prescription costs. Therefore, making many lives less tolerable and many deaths more painful. Shouldn't you be ashamed of executing people with IQs lower than yours? Shouldn't you be ashamed of the lies that spew out of your mouth every day?
I know you know that they are lies. Your cabinet doesn't do all the thinking for you. You have a number of give-away tells. Such as the way you lick your lips before you really pile the shit on. Or, when you get that shit-eating grin on your face after you say a new big word that you don't know the definition of for the first time.
Wouldn't a Christian be ashamed of destroying Gods great creation we call Earth the way you do with your policies of deregulation and rolling back environmental laws. Wouldn’t a Christian be ashamed of exploiting the weak and poor of the world, stealing their resources, and allowing them to die of famine, disease, and war? Wouldn't a Christian be ashamed of sending people to die for revenge and profit? Wouldn't a Christian be ashamed of these things?

If you are not ashamed, I can only think of three reasons:
1- You are a complete f*&%ing idiot and don't know the definition of Christian. I don't completely believe this.
2- You are a complete f$%#ing moron and don't know the consequences of your own policies and actions. I don’t completely believe this either.
3- You are a complete f&%$ing imbecile and can't feel shame or guilt because you have never developed this ability for the reasons I have stated above. This is the only logical reason.

You believe that you are always right, and entitled to all the power and money you can acquire, regardless of the consequences to others. Therefore, you need not be ashamed of anything. In other words, you are a socio-pathic, psychopathic, anti-social personality. Whichever title you prefer, they all mean the same thing. You are no better than the murderers, rapists, pedophiles, and retards you are so proud of executing in Texas.
You are personally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people. Yet, you are not ashamed. You are proud. You make me want to vomit in your face. You make me want to beat in your skull with a baseball bat.
If I were a Christian, I could take solace in the fact that you will suffer horrific pain & torment in the fires of hell for eternity. If I were a Christian, I might think you were Satan-the great deceiver, usurping power at the turn of the millennium. But, like you, I am not a Christian.
What I believe is that sure as shit, whether you buy/steal the election again or not, one glorious day, you will fucking die. My only hope is that it will be soon, slow and agonizing.


P.S.- I hope my “straight-talking’” didn’t offend you.
Some of the pigs I was referring to back whenever I wrote this are now gone. Some are still there. Some are now incognito. Some new ones are now in place and rest assured many more are laying in wait for their next chance.

Ok, now how can we get rid of the corrupted and evil usurper of power now controlling the world? I do not mention his name because of the unshackled monitoring powers that may be watching. It is of my opinion that the ignorant, brain-washed, pacified, and hopelessly beaten down in the populace should be informed and energized to rise up in revolt. I propose a massive grass-roots subversion campaign executed through all communication means available. It is our duty as true patriots to defend our democracy. It is each and everyone of our duties to inform everyone we know of the corruption and atrocities committed in our name by this illegitimate regime. It is our duty to communicate this to as many as possible. We must enrage the populace. The truth is our weapon. As we know, the system for choosing our leaders has become corrupted by the use of private organizations, by those who would wish to decrease or eliminate the number of the lower classes that turn out to vote in opposition. The powers that be have turned to illegal means to go about this process. Since, they are the powers that be it has now become impossible to oust these powers by democratic means. They have seized power, turned it over to the highest bidders and shut everyone else out. We the people are only left with one alternative to change the powers that be. Riot! Rebel! Revolt! Incite others to do the same. We are headed down a very dark path either way. Do we allow the Demon-Mockracy to stay in power and continue it's destruction of our country and political system and hand over the reigns to multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerates so that they may continue to pillage and pollute our lands, send our sons and daughters to their deaths so they can increase profits, creating more enemies with legitimate reasons to hate us? Or, do we tell the world we are sorry, we will not allow this impostor to do his peacock dance anymore? We will not allow this traitor, this spoiled, greedy, devious moron to represent us anymore. We will not allow it and it's regime to rape our countries anymore? We will handle our business. The patriots reveal themselves. We will throw the petroleum tea into the harbor. We will Rise! Riot! Revolt! Resist! Rebel! and Run the bastard pigs out of town! And if necessary....we will take more drastic measures. God save America for the sake of the world.

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