Thursday, December 17, 2009

The war is over! Thank you Dennis!

One of very few stand up guys in congress is none other than that "crazy" Democrat from Cleveland, Ohio- Dennis Kucinich. So crazy he voted against the bank bail out. So crazy he voted against the Patriot Act. So crazy he voted against giving George W. Bush the authorization to launch a war with Iraq in 2002. (This opposition was enough to get another Senator killed. Google Senator, Paul Wellstone. I'll blog about him another time.) So crazy he campaigns in a bus running on bio-diesel. No wonder he doesn't like to fly. So crazy he voted against the diluted and polluted health care bill (HR3962) now floating through congress. So crazy that again and again he speaks his mind and refuses to be bought & paid for by corporate America.

Here's a press release he put out today, Dec. 16, 2009:

"The Greatest Generation sacrificed during their lifetimes so future generations could have it better. Here, the ‘Bailout Generation' demands the future will be sacrificed for the present with unlimited money for Wall Street and War.

"While the government expands the debt for Wall Street and War, people are led to believe we are doing it for Jobs and Main Street. Even today, as Congress expands the debt limit, Citigroup will get billions in new tax breaks.

"Last week, Congress let Wall Street keep their Over-The-Counter black box Derivatives game going, which will leave the taxpayers exposed to huge losses in the future.

"Today, Congress will give the Pentagon another $550 billion and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan another $130 billion while we expand the national debt, sacrificing the future, for the present.

"In the past two years Congress chose War and Wall Street over Jobs and Main Street, expanding the debt, sacrificing the future for the present.

"We are eager to support the President in his escalation of war in Afghanistan. Yet we are just as eager to fast-track consideration of legislation that atrophies the progress of difficult negotiations in which the Administration has invested significant time.

"Today's jobs bill is necessary but it will address only a fraction of the unemployed. Rather than prime the pump of the economy and put all of America back to work, we are choosing to sacrifice the future for War and Wall Street."

You have balls of brass, sir. Thank you for standing up for the poor and working people of this country that have been ignored for so long by Wall Street and Washington. So crazy he introduced articles of impeachment against both Bush & Cheney. I know who my candidate is. Thanks for taking the floor today and letting your colleagues have an ear full by declaring that, "the class war is over, working people lost." So crazy he is gonna get my vote if he ever gets on the presidential ballot again.

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